💗 Mist x Rain - The pond

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Third person pov:

Ghouls in the ministry didn't stay forever. Normally, every Papa would summon their own ones, it was rarely that the Papa's kept old ones. That also meant there was normally only one ghoul of each kind in the ministry. One fire, one water, one earth, one quintessence and one air ghoul. This didn't count for multi ghouls, and with Papa VI also not for the air ghouls. They were lucky not to be alone, because it was normal for ghouls to feel more comfortable around ghouls of their kind. Sure, that didn't mean that they didn't get along with others, but it was simply not the same. 

For Rain, it was even worse. He was really introverted, and even though he got along with the ghouls of the ministry really well, he sometimes wished to have someone by his side who was a water ghoul as well. At the times when he felt really down or lonely, and at the times where he just wanted to have someone around him who was like him, he would lock himself in his room, not letting anyone in. He didn't talk to anyone, rarely ate something and never got into the light. He didn't even go to the nearby pond, what normally helped him, but instead he just didn't leave the room. It concerned all the ghouls, because at first it happened once every few months, for about maybe three days, but now it was more often. At least once a month, for at least a week.

Because everyone was concerned about Rain they had talked with their Papa, who seemed to be really surprised about the message. He never would've thought this was happening to one of his ghouls, but he already had a good idea what he could do. There was a ghoulette that had once played in the band. It was Mist, who was one of the bassists for Papa III, and Copia knew that Rain and Mist had met in hell when they were both not a part of the band, so he did the only logical thing; he summoned her again. He wasn't exactly sure how close the two ghouls were, but he simply hoped that Mist could help Rain become his normal self again. It's not like she was useless anyways, they always needed help in the ministry after all.

Cumulus happily walked through the ministry basement, over to Rain's bedroom. She got the task to get Rain out of his room, and send him to Copia. She knew what was about to happen, and she was happy because she really hoped this would help their water ghoul getting okay again. As she arrived she gently knocked on the ghoul's door, but to no surprise, she didn't get an answer. "Rain? Hey darling, could you please come out of your room? Papa wants to see you" she gently spoke, but she still didn't get an answer. "Please, Rain, he has something that will help you, I promise" she pleaded, and now she heard shuffling on the other side, and soon after the door opened a little bit. 

"What?" he mumbled, rubbing his eyes as if he had just woken up. Cumulus smiled, happy that she was able to get Rain out of his bed. "Papa has a surprise for you, it will cheer you up, trust me!" she happily exclaimed, but Rain just sighed. "I don't want to go anywhere. I don't need a surprise" he replied, and was about to close the door, but the air ghoulette stopped him by placing a foot between the door and the door frame. "No, you will come out of there, Rain. We are all worried, and spoke with Papa. He found an awesome solution, please Rain, trust me. I know it will make you feel better" she insisted. He turned around and looked at her for a bit, before he sighed once more. "Okay fine, I will get ready" he agreed, making the ghoulette smile again. "Perfect" she purred, and let Rain close the door again.

While he got ready Cumulus walked into the living room where she could see all of the other ghouls sitting, looking at her with hope in their eyes. "And?" Swiss was the first to speak up. Cumulus smiled and nodded "He will go!" she happily exclaimed, making everyone else also smile and sigh in relief. Rain on the other hand was now also ready, dressed in some black jeans and an oversized t-shirt, as he couldn't be bothered to dress any fancier. His hair was fairly entangled, but he also couldn't really be bothered to take care of that either. He still made his way over to his Papa's office, because he somehow had some kind of hope there was something that could help him, even though he didn't know what it could be.

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