🔞 Sodo x Rain - In Heat

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Dom: Sodo
Sub: Rain

FINALLY! (I don't know why this took me so fucking long :'))


Rain was in pain. Pain that shot through his whole body, and made him not being able to stand up. It was midday, and Rain had lain in his bed the whole day. He was whining and the whole time close to crying. He felt pathetic, because of the reason. He was in heat, pretty badly, to be exact. It has never been like this before. Normally he was able to help himself, but for some reason it was worse this time. He tried jerking off, he tried using toys, but nothing worked. Nothing would bring him to his much needed orgasm. "Oh fucking hell" he groaned, tossing in his bed. His dick was throbbing in the need of touch, but unfortunately not in need for his own touch, but someone else's.

Some of the other ghouls were sitting in the living room, others doing their tasks. Cirrus, Swiss, Phantom and Mountain were sitting on the sofa, watching something on the Tv when Dew walked in, who was just ready with his tasks for the day. "Oh hey Dew! Have you seen Rain anywhere?" Cirrus asked, her look a bit concerned as she shifted her gaze over to Sodo. "Hm? No I haven't, why are you asking?" he replied, furrowing his eyebrows. "No one has seen him today, and we are a bit concerned what's up with him. Could you probably go to his room and check up on him?" she continued, and he sighed. "Why me?" he asked, already annoyed. "Because you're still standing" Swiss chimed in with a smirk. Sodo rolled his eyes but nodded. "Sure, will do" he simply said before he left the room again.

Sodo strolled over to Rain's room. He was tired from his tasks, and he wished someone else would take care of Rain, but he was not in the mood to argue with Swiss right now so he did the easier thing. As he arrived he took a deep breath, preparing himself for whatever he would see now, before he knocked. "Rain? Are you okay? Can I come in?" he asked, but he didn't get an answer. He furrowed his eyebrows and already wanted to knock again, but now he could hear sounds from the other side of the door. Sodo could clearly heard moans coming out of Rain's room. A smirk formed on his face as he carefully pushed the doorhandle down so that the water ghoul wouldn't notice him. But Sodo's eyes, along with his smirk, widened at the sight he got as he entered the room. 

Rain was kneeling on his bed, grabbing the headboard so hard his knuckles were slowly turning white, and riding a dildo while letting out loud moans and whines. Dew quickly closed the door and just watched the younger ghoul for a bit. The sight along with the noises didn't leave Sodo untouched though. He quickly got horny himself, so he started to palm himself through his pants. But after a while, he needed more. He let out a breathy moan as well, what caused Rain's head to snap over to him. "H- how long have you been s- standing there?" he asked, and Sodo smirked. "Long enough" he answered and slowly started to walk towards Rain. "P- please Sodo, it hurts so bad... I need help... please" Rain begged, not stopping his movements as he followed the fire ghoul's movements with his eyes.

"You are in heat, aren't you?" Sodo asked, and Rain just nodded. "Then let me help you. Let me stop the pain and let me make you feel so fucking good" Sodo murmured, and climbed on top of the bed. He was already shirtless, because he had put it off as he walked over to the bed. Rain moved up and pulled the dildo out, tossing it to the side. "Please fuck me Sodo" he breathed, as he lay down on his back. Dew just nodded before he wrapped his hand around Rain's dick, slowly stroking it, what caused the water ghoul to cry out in bliss. This was what he has been longing for the whole day. This was the only thing that was able to help him. Sodo's movement sped up, and not long after Rain came into his hand, moaning loudly at the feeling. 

Dew smirked and stood up again to undress himself completely, before he climbed on top of Rain, starting to kiss his neck and chest, leaving a few marks. He continued placing marks all over Rain's chest as one of his hands traveled down his body, grabbing one of the younger one's thighs so he could place his leg over his shoulder. He broke away from Rain and lined himself up with his hole. As soon as he started to push in, he connected their lips into a heated kiss, and swallowed up all the noises the water ghoul made. "Oh fuck, you're so tight for me baby~" Sodo groaned once he was buried completely inside the younger one, who was whining underneath him. Dew didn't waist anymore time and quickly started to pound into Rain, already at a fast pace, not once slowing down.

Sodo railed Rain into the mattress, what caused the bed to constantly tap against the wall. "C- can I breed you Rain?" Sodo moaned as he realized himself being close to release. "Fuck, please do, cum inside me and breed me full of your kits" Rain whined, desperately clutching onto the bedsheets. Not much later Sodo could feel his knot forming, so he continued pounding into Rain until he released and knotted Rain. Both ghouls moaned loudly at the feeling, and Sodo moved down so he could drill his fangs into Rain's neck, marking him as his mate. Sodo sucked on his neck, drinking some of the blood before he licked over the wound. Rain grabbed Dew's neck and pulled him down so he could also bite him and make him his mate. 

Once they both marked each other Sodo pulled out and collapsed onto Rain, who wrapped his arms around the smaller one. "Thank you Sodo, you really helped me out" he mumbled into his hair. "Come on, let us get a bath. It will hurt otherwise" Sodo whispered back and got up. He carried Rain over into the bathroom and placed him into the tub, which he filled with warm water, before he got in behind him. He used his element to keep the water at a nice temperature the whole time, Rain snuggling into his chest. It was only now both ghouls came back to their senses, and realized what just happened. "I just knotted you Rain. And I marked you as my mate. We are mates now" Sodo stated, a bit confused at how wild he has gotten. He wasn't even in heat, but he still completely lost his mind right there.

"I know, that's okay. I'm happy with you being my mate. Why, aren't you?" Rain asked. "No, I'm fine with you being my mate. I couldn't have chosen a better one" Sodo answered with a chuckle, what caused Rain to giggle as well. "We will see about the kits, maybe it didn't even work, who knows" the water ghoul mumbled, close to falling asleep. "Mhm, we will see" Sodo muttered, wrapping his arms around the younger ghoul.


(1220 words)

Yayyy you finally got dom Sodo lmao, I don't really know how to feel about this chapter though... I kinda like it but it felt so fucking weird to write it hahaha, let us just pretend this never happened, thank you 😭

Also Happy Birthday Per our beloved little stompy guitar player 👀 

- Luma

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