💗 (⚡️) Sodo x Rain - Ritual

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A bit of Angst as well, mentions of wounds and blood :)


Third Person Pov:

It was the middle of the ritual, when Dewdrop slowly noticed how his pinky finger started to hurt. He didn't know what it was, but in the middle of "Faith" it started, and now it was only becoming worse. He normally wasn't so bad with pain, which was why it confused him even more. He powered through the song though, and because Papa would have a little chat with the crowd after this one, he decided that he would check after it then. No need to stop the song.

Once he played his last note, he immediately ran to the back of the stage, behind Mountain's pedestal. The light back there was horrible, but he could still see how there was a deep cut in his finger, and it started to bleed pretty bad as well. He hissed in pain as he touched it. He didn't know how he got such a deep cut, but he also didn't want to interrupt the ritual with it. It was his strumming hand as well, so he thought he would manage to get through this concert and take care of it afterwards.

He took a deep breath and went back to the front of the stage where Papa was luckily still talking with the crowd. Rain looked at him with concerned look, as if he knew that something had happened to Dew. Sodo smiled through his mask, kind of happy that Rain seemed to care about him, but because he didn't want to worry him he just waved it off. Rain nodded and looked back to the front. He could feel his finger throbbing and the blood slowly running down his hand, but he gritted his teeth and tried to ignore it for now.


It was now the end of the ritual and the ghouls and Papa were walking back onto the stage for their encore. The people loved the band and their performance. Dew's finger was still aching and extremely painful, but until now he managed to push through. His hand was wet from blood, but because of the dark lights it wasn't noticeable. No one seemed to see it, or if they did, they probably thought it was nothing serious. It was now their last song, Square Hammer, the song everyone loved, everyone including Sodo, just not today. He felt like he couldn't play anymore, and his hands were shaking a little as he walked to the front of the stage with the other two guitar ghouls.

The slow part came first, and then the drop where he hammered on his guitar. He could feel more blood pouring out of the wound, slowly painting his normally white guitar red with his blood. He tried his best not to scream because of the horrible pain. The waves of pain it literally send through his whole body got him to the edge of tears. If no one cared until now about his hand, they seemed to notice it now and he definitely got a another worried look from Rain. He wasn't sure if anyone else noticed, but as he looked around, he realized how phantom was lost in his strumming and Papa was at the front, not looking back at where stood. So no, no one except Rain noticed. He didn't mind it though, the fewer people noticed, the less attention he would get about it.

The song finally came to an end, with his finger still throbbing and losing more blood. His hand was full of dried blood and also his guitar was full of blood stains. Once the song ended, he immediately ran off the stage. He didn't care about bowing down with the others, he didn't care about distributing picks to his fans, he just wanted to clean his hand and take the fuck care of it. He noticed the looks he got from the others as he ran off, but he couldn't care less. As he arrived backstage he headed into the bathroom, turning on the light and getting a better look at the wound. He hissed again as he just saw the cut in his finger, that was nearly half through it.

He sat down on the toilet and leaned his head against the wall. He was tired and he was not in the mood to clean it. Now that he was not using the hand anymore, it wasn't as bad. He still felt it, he was still close to crying, but for now he could endure it. He opened his eyes again as he could sense someone approaching him. He looked to the door and saw Rain standing there, his mask in his hand and breathing heavily, as if he had just ran to get here on time. "What happened Sodo? Your hand is bleeding, isn't it?" he panted, leaning down to put his hands on his knees. Sodo nodded, lifting his hand so Rain could see it, who gasped at the sight.

It made sense, because his hand looked incredible. The finger was nearly completely cut off the rest of the end, and the blood ran down his hand and made it look almost completely covered in blood. Most of it was dry, but it was still bleeding and hard to see where the actual wound was. "W- what did you do Dew?" Rain asked, slowly getting nearer to the older ghoul to inspect his hand. "I- I don't know... but oh my s-satan it hurts" he mumbled back. "Yeah I can imagine. It should heal again without problems, but I will clean it and take care of it. Are you okay with that?" Rain asked, looking up at Sodo since he know knelt down in front of him. Sodo only manage to nod as a yes.

"A- are you s-sure it will heal? It's nearly completely o-off" he then whined as Rain took his hand in his own, but the other nodded. "Yes I'm sure. We are ghouls, creatures of hell. Remember when Swiss had this big wound near his rips because he fell down his pedestal?" Sodo nodded "It's all healed now. This wound is... I don't know, I think actually just as bad, especially because you're a fire ghoul, but it will heal just fine. Should I take off your mask?" Rain then continued, and Dew thought for a second. He was sure he would cry now, and he really didn't want Rain to see that, but on the other side he was extremely warm, he could barely endure it any longer.

"Don't worry about crying, everyone would if they had the same wound as you" As Sodo heard that he sighed and nodded, so Rain carefully took off his mask and placed it on the ground next to his own. Sodo's eyes were already a bit red and glossy, but Rain didn't care about it. He knew Sodo wasn't bad with pain, so he was sure it must be horrible. "Okay, this will be painful and sting, but you can grab my shoulder and pinch me as much as you have to, alright?" Rain explained as he got a cloth and wet it in the sink. "O- okay, I trust you with this Rain" Dew whispered back, making the younger ghoul smile.

Rain started with washing of the blood from his hand, what didn't cause any pain in Sodo's finger at all. Once his hand was dry, Rain moved further up his finger, carefully cleaning it off. As he reached the actual cut, Dewdrop couldn't hold back and screamed at the top of his lungs. It was so painful, it went through his whole body. He clung onto Rain's shoulder, leaning down and sobbing into it as he calmed down and Rain continued to clean the wound. "You're doing a good job Dew, I'm really proud" the water ghoul reassured him again and again. It made the fire ghoul feel a little bit better, but the pain didn't stop whatsoever.

"Okay, it's all clean, but I will bandage it so it can grow back together more easily okay?" he said, and Sodo faintly nodded his head, too weak to do more. The bandaging was also extremely painful, but not as bad as the cleaning. And because Sodo had no energy left he just sat there, still sobbing into the younger one's shoulder. "And that's it, you're all done" Rain said, hugging the smaller one and pulling him onto his lap. "This is so ridiculous. It's just my finger. Swiss wound was so much worse. I'm such a pussy" Sodo whispered, still clinging onto Rain. "No you're not. Swiss was crying even more than you, and my satan, your finger was nearly chopped off. What did you expect? Everyone would've behaved like you did" Rain reassured him again.

"Thank you so much Rain, I appreciate it a lot" Dew continued, looking up to meet the other's eyes. "No problem at all, little ember" the water ghoul answered, placing a soft kiss on his forehead.


(1499 words)

Also not prove read, but nonetheless I am really proud of this one, I kinda like it :)

- Luma

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