🔞 Swiss x Rain - After show Blowjob

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Dom: Swiss
Sub: Rain

Again, not really sub and dom because it's obviously again just a blowjob :')


Third person pov:

It was just after a ritual, and most of the ghouls were sitting in the lounge area backstage, except for Cumulus, Cirrus and Aurora, who went to go into their dressing rooms. And Copia was also not there, as he had to speak with some guys from the venue about some random stuff. So the male ghouls were sitting in the back, each of them having a beer in their hand, their masks laying somewhere on shelves, except for Swiss'. Swiss' helmet was laying on his lap, and he didn't look like he would place it somewhere else anytime soon. Mountain glanced at him from the side, as if he had some kind of idea why, but he kept quiet.

"Uhm, hey Sodo, do you mind coming with me real quick? I need help with something" Mountain suddenly spoke up, and Sodo immediately looked over to him with a confused look. "Oh, uhm, sure I guess" he answered after a few seconds, and so the two ghouls stood up and left the room. Swiss followed their moves with his eyes, and he got the message from Mountain. "Rain" he stated, and said one's head snapped over to him, slightly confused what was happening. "I also need your help real quick, do you mind?" he asked, smirking over to Rain who began blushing as he realized what he meant. "Sure, I don't mind" he replied though, standing up, followed by Swiss. "Oh come on guys, you can't just leave me here alone" Phantom whined, but the two ghouls already left. "Mean" the quintessence ghoul mumbled, sipping on his drink.

Swiss quickly pulled Rain into his dressing room, closing and locking the door behind him. "What's the reason?" Rain asked as Swiss leaned against the wall. His boner was now visible as he was no longer covering it, and Rain couldn't help but stare at how big it looked. "Doesn't matter, but you look like you really want to suck me off, don't you?" Swiss asked with a smirk, walking over to the younger ghoul. Rain just gulped at how blunt Swiss was, and lifted his gaze to meet Swiss' eyes. "You said you don't mind, so just help me already" the multi ghoul growled, and Rain was quick to drop on his knees, opening Swiss' pants and pulling them down along with his boxers. He stared for a second, but then leaned forward and slowly swirled his tongue around the tip. "Why me again?" Rain asked and looked up to Swiss, who smirked. "I just imagine you to be really good at it" he explained.

He sighed but slowly began to take Swiss length into his mouth, hallowing his cheeks once he had gotten as much inside as he could. He used his hand to cover the rest. Then he slowly began to bop his head back and forth, picking up his pace until he was deep throating Swiss. "Oh fuck, and I guess I was right" Swiss moaned, his hand grabbing a fistful of Rain's hair. Rain continued sucking of Swiss, without really knowing why he was doing it, but what he did know, was that it really turned him on. He was also hard, so he opened his pants and pulled them down just enough to get his own dick out, slowly stroking it in the same rhythm he was sucking off Swiss. He moaned at the feeling, what send vibrations through Swiss cock, making him growl and slightly thrust his hips forward. 

Rain used his one hand to grab the older one's thigh, making sure he wouldn't fall over, while he still jerked himself off with the other. "Fuck, I'm close" Swiss grunted, and also Rain could feel himself getting close. The water ghoul picked up his pace once more, and without any other warning Swiss came right into his mouth, what caused Rain to cum all over his hand and the floor with a moan as well. He moved away from Swiss, looking up to him while he was catching his breath. "You really are good at this" Swiss mumbled, pulling up his pants and holding out a hand to Rain, who gladly accepted the offer to be pulled up. He also pulled up his pants, and looked back at Swiss.  "I hope you enjoyed it, but now you owe me. I know who I will ask if I need help sometime" Rain muttered, before he went to the door to leave.


(757 words)

I really don't know what to think about this chapter, I kinda hate it, but you can have it anyways 😃👍Also really short chapter, and some not so submissive Rain. Whenever I read oneshots of Rain, he is always so submissive and I kind of feel like that's just not how he is yk 😭? I feel like he's shy and introverted but not THAT much but idk.

Anyway, I need some ideas for ships, because I feel like I'm always writing about the same ones :') Thank you <3

- Luma

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