🔞 Rain x Aurora - Thigh Riding

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Dom: Rain
Sub: Aurora

You can guess what will happen 💀


Rain was just sitting around in his room, scrolling through his phone since he had nothing better to do. That was until he heard a quiet, faint knock on his door. He looked up from his phone with a small frown. "Come in!" he yelled, not bothered to stand up. He slowly put his phone away as he realized the door was slowly creaked open, and Aurora walked inside, looking somewhat flushed and a little disheveled, not to mention how nervous she seemed to be.

"Hey Aurie... what's up?" he carefully asked, noticing something was up. And it was clear what, he just didn't want to embarrass her even more with bluntly saying out loud. But the ghoulette just stood at the door, nervously fiddling with the hem of her shirt. Rain sighed and let out a soft hum. He studied for a moment, before speaking up again "Come here..." he mumbled, and motioned with his head to come closer. She just looked at him for a moment, debating what to do, until she hesitantly walked closer to the bed he was sitting on.

He thought for a moment what he could do to make it the least unpleasant and embarrassing for her. He then slowly patted his thigh, motioning for her to sit down. Her eyes widened slightly as she realized, but she was too desperate to even care at this point. She knew he had made the right decision to go to Rain, because he wasn't that much of a tease. Not as much as Swiss or Sodo at least. After a while of just staring down at his thigh she slowly walked closer and climbed onto the bed, and she was just about to move onto his lap when he stopped her. "Stop... take off your pants first..." he said softly, trying to make it sound not like an order. He wanted her to feel comfortable and alright with this.

She swallowed thickly as she heard what he said, and she froze for a moment. "You don't have to... but trust me, it will be worth it" he said, offering a small smile. She nod slowly and stood back up. "I can... I can trust you, right?" she mumbled, and he quickly nodded. "Of course... don't worry" he assured her, and with a nod the ghoulette slowly unbuttoned her pants and slid them down her legs, before she took off her panties as well. Rain didn't mean to look, but he couldn't help it as his eyes flicked down to her leaking heat. He bit his lip and forced himself to look away again, letting out a deep breath. "Alright... now come here and ruin those pants for me" he mumbled and patted his thigh again.

By now Aurora was so needy already that she complied without another thought, Rain's words and the way he had looked at her cunt only fueling her desire. She got onto the bed and placed her leg on either side of his thigh before she sat down with a soft moan, her juices leaking onto Rain's jeans. Her throbbing clit making contact with the rough fabric of his jeans was feeling new, maybe even a little painful but at the same so incredibly good. "Oh f-fuck..." she mumbled breathlessly. Rain also bit his lip, the sight alone enough to make him leave a satisfied hum. "Come on darling... don't be shy..." he muttered, and without hesitation she gently moved back and forth on his thigh.

She moaned softly, holding onto the ghoul's shoulders for support as she continued to rub her sensitive clit against his thigh and his jeans, smearing her juices all over the black fabric of his pants. "That's it... it feels good, doesn't it?" he murmured, gently placing a hand on her leg as she continued to ride on his thigh. She only moaned as an answer, already nearing her release from how desperate she had been. "Pleasure yourself love... bring yourself to your release... ruin my pants" he continued, and Aurora nodded with a whimper. She was so close, her clit already swollen from the rough fabric of his jeans, but she didn't stop. It was too good to stop.

After a while she moaned loudly, a shudder running through her body as she hit her climax, her cum staining Rain's jeans who also moaning softly at the sight. "R- Rain... mhm..." she mumbled under her breath, her hands gripping his shoulders tightly as she basked in the aftershock of her release. Rain smiled softly and hummed, gently moving his hands over her thigh. "Look what you did to my pants..." he mumbled, and Aurora slowly looked down to his jeans, seeing her cum and juices smeared over it, and it made her blush. He chuckled softly "It's okay love, I don't mind. It looks hot" he reassured her, and she nodded slowly. "Thank you... for helping me..." she then mumbled, and he hummed. 

He then carefully shifted them so that Aurora was laying on her back, and she gasped as she looked up to the ghoul. He chuckled softly and moved a hand down between her legs, moving it over her inner thigh to clean off her juices. "You did so good..." he muttered as he did so, and Aurora whined softly at the touch so close to her cunt, since she was still sensitive from her release. He continued to clean her off with her hands before bringing her fingers up to his mouth to lick the slick off them. Aurora's eyes widened slightly as she watched, and her thighs squeezed together a bit as she could feel heat pooling in her stomach all over again. 

"Are you okay?" he asked softly as he had licked his hand clean, and the ghoulette nodded. "Y- yes... I'm fine..." she mumbled, and he nodded. "Alright..." he replied with a soft smile and got off her, reaching down to grab her pants and handing them over. He made sure that she was feeling alright and comfortable, because he cared about her like he did for every packmate. Aurora was grateful for this, because she knew she could trust him. She knew he wouldn't make fun of her or even tease her, but rather take care of her.


(1051 words)

(requested by  @abiiiiii2222224 <333)

Rather short, but I didn't know how to make it longer... but I still kind of like it :) I'm also already writing on another Swissrora oneshot! (not prove read lmao)

- Luma

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