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Olivia's P.O.V.

Scapegoat. Have you ever heard of that word? It means something or someone that is used to put the blame upon. That is what I am. I am nothing but a mere scapegoat.
My name is Kawashima Olivia. Age 22, blood type O. Birthday, April 23rd. I live in a small rural seaside town named Kushiro in Japan in Hokkaido. I live in the sun prefecture Kushiro. The town is quite beautiful as it is surrounded by mountians with lush forests and a great view of the ocean.
    It used to be a nice vacation spot up until 26 years ago which was 4 years before I was born and the time my parents moved into town. My mom was Irish tall, red haired woman while my dad was a tall, black haired, And lanky Japanese man. Overall they were pretty good looking people but thing is that they were bad to the core.
   They would get rid of anything or anyone that would get in their way and both of them were ruthless and killed many innocent people while not evening batting a eyelash. Drugs and alcohol played a big role in their lives which made them more mentally unstable than they already were. Their daily lives would go like kill, steal, run, drugs, alcohol, torture, repeat. That is all they ever did during all their years together. It was bonding for them and just the thought of it all makes me sick.
   Fours year later, they had me. Figured having a baby would change them but the thing is that I was never wanted. They complained about how they never really wanted me and that they were forced to have me in order to pay off some debt of theirs. On top of that they would beat me, use me as a punching bag or stress reliver. It's a miracle that I am still alive still since under normal circumstances I should be dead by now.
     The only person who was there for me ever was my older cousin Romano, but he disappeared the same day my parents died. I was 7 and he was 15 and it was on January 2nd. My parents were stealing some banks and fighting the cops back when they were killed by those cops due to how greatly outnumbered they were. I was happy they were gone yet guilty for thinking that at the same time. But I couldn't help but be more heartbroken over the fact that Romano went missing that night. All because he was forced to go with them to help with their dirty work since he was the favorite child. Cops say as that he just vanished and no one was ever able to find him.
     He probably really did die but they didn't want to say that since I was only only 7 at the time. Now all I have left of him are the precious memories he had left me. Along with all the amazing things he had showed and taught me when I was locked at home in my room.
   I am 23 now and my life hasn't gotten any better. I am only living by a string while the government is supporting me since no jobs would accept me due to my background. They are also providing me a apartment and the right to go to the community college not too far from my town.
    Every day though I have to deal with getting hated upon by everyone and abused by my peers. I can't even walk the street by myself without getting at least something thrown at me.
   It's a lonely life and all I have is my white furred, green eyed cat named Casper to keep me company. So it is just Casper and I, all alone in this town where the only salvation we have is the forest and the private place where Romano had taught me how to use weapons. Yet, I don't practice them as much anymore. It would just make matters worse if someone found out about it.
     So this is it. Life can't ever get any better since I was doomed for tragedy since the day I was born...That is what I had always thought until the day he finally came into my world. My red knight.

To be continued........

Thank u for reading. I hope you guys will like this story which is based off of something my friends and I have been doing together. Hehe. Anyway, hope u like it and thank u all. Until next time, Ja'ne! XD


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