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Olivia's P.O.V.

   When I woke up I found myself in Ace's room, well, our room. I looked at the time since the curtains of the balcony was closed and saw it was nighttime.
    Sitting up I looked down and saw that my body was perfectly healed and that there was not a single scratch on me. Nothing to be seen, nothing to show that I had fought with Antonnia.
    I heard talking outside the door and I recognized those voices right away. Ace and Kylee. As I was going to evesdrop I heard them say goodbye to each other and the door nob turned.
   Ace came in, closing and locking the door behind him. We he looked and saw me me his eyes widened a bit but then they softened and he smiled. He walked over to me and sat down right next to me. I the hugged him tightly, relieved that he was ok.
  "I see you are awake & well. That's good." Ace chuckled and hugged me back tightly. I buried my face into his neck while I rubbed his the back of his head. He's here and well. He isn't hurt. I then I just realized something. Pulling away, I then asked,
  "How long was I out?"
  "A week."
  "A week?!"
  "Yea. Also...
  "Nevermind." Ace brushed off and laughed.
  "Ace. About you job."
   "Yea? What about it? If you want to know more about it I can't tell you. Sorry."
  "I see. Ok then. But Ace..."
   "Hm? Yes?"
"Something is going to happen. Something big and bad. And I'm scared." I whispered, whimpering a bit as I remembered that ominous dream and the voice. That voice that was so cold that it made me shiver as it made my blood run cold.
  "Olivia, it's going to be ok. I will protect you. So don't be scared." Ace reassured me as he placed a hand on my shoulder and smiled.
I smiled back with tears in my eyes.
   "Ace, I had a dream and....and..." I couldn't finish what I wanted to explain what I had learned but I was too rattled because of it and I started to cry into his chest. Ace hugged me close, calming me down.
   "Shhhh. You don't have to tell me now, we can discuss more about it later. Ok?"
  "N-no, I'm good, I want to tell you anyway. It's just, in my dream, there was this male voice and then he told mentioned something about a game. Then he said something about how I am supposed to be being taken by a guy named Aku. Then he said he is capable of many things. Him and another person. They're treating our lives like it's a game. He also says that he owns you for you are his minion and he can hurt. Ace. I don't want you to get hurt. I don't care if they hurt me, but you, I can't stand seeing you hurt Ace." I cried out into his chest. Ace kept on holding me close, petting my hair.
   "Olivia, it'll be ok. Also, don't worry about me. I'll be fine. Ok?" Ace said with a smile.
  "You promise?"
  "Well, I can't guarantee anything but I can try. Can you at least trust my efforts?" Ace asked as he pulled away with a soft smile. I nodded, trusting him and believing that things will be ok. Also, I plan on telling Suga everything and he did say that he will do whatever he can to support us all. That is all I need, support.
   "Ace. What if something happens and I am taken away by another man and forced to marry him? What would you do?" I asked, now thinking about how the voice mentioned me about being owned and married off to this Aku person.
   "Nothing. Because I will never let that happen. You are mine and I won't allow another man to touch you." Ace said with a smile as he chuckled. I giggled and then kissed him, holding his hand. He kissed back and held my hand, returning the gesture.
  When we pulled away, my tears stopped and I beamed.
   "See, don't cry. Stay optimistic and smile." Ace said cheerfully as he too smiled. I love that smile of his and I hope I don't have to stop seeing it.
"Un. You're right. Well I guess I'll..." Just then, Ace gripped his head and winced.
   "Ace? You O..."
   "Olivia. Go. Now." Ace said, clearly trying to fight against something. I wanted to stay but I listened to Ace and left. Going to get help.
    I ran as fast as I could and then ran into Kiba.
"Ooof! Huh? Oli..."
  "Help! It's Ace! He needs help!" I cried out as I gripped Kiba's shirt. He then picked me up and we made it to my room in no time. 
When Kiba opened the door, we saw the balcony doors open as Ace thrown out of the by some sort of invisible force. I screamed out Ace's name and rushed out at the balcony and saw him lying on the ground, not moving as his hair covered his eyes so I couldn't see if they were closed or not. He was bleeding from hid head and his body limbs were bending in angles that they weren't supposed to be bending in.
   I screamed out his name again as he laid there on the ground all bloody and my stomach sunk. Just then he, he moved and stood up. And he was laughing. Yet, it wasn't Ace's voice. It was another voice. A colder one. And I knew right away that it was the same voice that was in my dream.
   Ace's eyes were glowing red and blood was dripping from his head but I saw it slowly stop and the broken bones seemed to heal as he stood up.
    Kiba growled and his fox ears and tail popped out. 
   "So it's HIM!" Kiba growled.
   "Him? Who's him?! What's going on?!"
   "Ahahahahaha!" Ace laughed at the bottom. No, that isn't Ace. It's something more malevolent. Ace then ran off and he disappeared. I screamed not wanting him to go as he was possessed and taken away.
   "Aaaaaaaaceeee!" I called out as I ran out the room. But I didn't get far since Kiba grabbed wrist.
   "Let me go! I need to save Ace! Let me go!" I screeched as I tried to break free. But Kiba just stood there not moving a inch as I struggled to break free with all my might.
  "Olivia. Please. Calm down. What good are you when you are in a blind rage?" Also, do you really think you can go up against something that you can't really see? Something abstract." Kiba said with a calm and collected voice. I stopped struggling as I went wide eyed. My tears still falling. He's right. What use am I if I just run off in a blind rage to fight something that I don't even fully understand. I'd be defenseless, useless. And either Ace or I would get hurt.
    Calmed down now, I wiped away my tears and cleared my mind. Kiba then released me and said,
   "Lets go tell Suga everything and get reinforcements. Also, tracking people down is a piece of cake so we don't have to worry about losing him. But lets hurry before something out of hand happens ok?" Kiba explained in that same, wise voice as always. I nodded and trusted him as he quickly took us to Suga's office.
  Akira and Suga looked up and at us as they were looking over some papers.
  "Ah. I knew you guys would come and know everything already. So lets cut to the chase, Ace is in danger. Lets get some people out there. Akira."
   "Yes. I'm on it." Akira said as he walked out of the office. Suga then looked up at me.
   "I am glad you are ok Olivia but right now we have to save Ace. Also, you know a little bit of information don't you?" Suga said in a business like manner. 
   "I do."
   "I see. Very good. We'll talk later. First things first, we need to save someone important to us." Suga said firmly, his voice full of resolve.
   "Kiba. Lets go. Olivia you stay here. " Suga said.
   "Nani?! I have to go! Ace is danger!" I protested.
  "No! Do you even have any experience in combat?" Suga asked.
  "It doesn't matter! I know how to fend for myself!"
   "Can you? Then why were you always ganged up on and beaten to a pulp?"
   "I am weak and I saw no reason in fighting them. But I will fight this time and I will fight with all I got." I said firmly. Not backing down as I stared back at Suga with unwavering eyes. He stared back at me with his brown eyes, deep in thought. Then, he sighed.
  "Fine. But wait until your Sensei is here."
  "Sensei?" I said clearly confused. Suga smiled and leaned back.
   "Yes. She will be here right about..." Just then the doors slammed open and then came in a girl with light, crazy blond hair and green eyes & one fang popping out of the right side of her mouth. Yet, what struck her odd was that she was covered in blood and she licked a bloody knife. It made my skin crawl and my senses told me that she was dangerous.
  "You called Suga-sama? What is it that you want? I was having fun on my assassination assignment with Tamashii." The girl said, bored as she then put the knife away. Suga smiled and then said,
   "Haha. Gomene. But you will be able to kill more with him as we have a possible fight if things go bad. Anyway, I need to teach Olivia here how to fight. She is Ace's girlfriend & she is pretty strong willed so she should be able to handle you. Especially since she has the goal to get stronger to support her lover. So she is pretty stubborn too. But at the same time she is obedient. Anyway, can you take her under her wing now that you know a bit about her? You have been complaining how you want a disciple anyways."
"Hooo? Hmmm. Sure why not.This will be fun." Daisy said as she smirked, looking me over. I felt my insides go cold as she stared at me. This girl scares me. I can already tell that she is insane.
"Thank you Suga~! I can't wait to have my fun with this one. Hopefully she won't run away like the other one I had."
"Haha. The other one didn't run away. He died on a mission, remember?" Suga said so casually.
  "Oh. Haha. I remember. I am so used to seeing people run away from me I guess. Haha. No matter. I always have fun hunting them down." She said nonchalantly as she yawned and stretched. She hunts people who run from her?! Who is she?! This is going to be my Sensei?!
   I sighed and then smiled.
  "Pleased to meet you. It's my honor to be your student." I said and bowed.
  "Heh. I like that formality. I lost all my modesty years ago. So don't expect me treating you with the same sense of formality as you. Just treat me casually. But call me Sensei. Only call me Daisy when class isn't in session. Like right now, your class is in session as we get ready to leave." Daisy said, grinning.
   "Yes. Understood." I said as I nodded and smiled at her, full of determination.
"Now that is settled. Lets get everyone together and lets head out." Suga said as he then picked up two katanas & then put then strapped them on his pants. 
  "You're coming?!" I asked startled. I thought he would stay behind.
   Suga looked up at me and raised an eyebrow, baffled.
   "Of course I'm coming. Why wouldn't I be? I am leader and as leader it's my job to help protect my followers. I will not sit back and let my men and women fight alone. Also, I have nothing to worry about. I will have half the gang behind with my finacé in charge. Trust me. I know what I am doing." Suga said with a smile. I nodded at him and smiled.
   "Alright lets go." I said.
   "Ok. Suga. I will take Olivia and Daisy ahead of you and the others and meet up with us ok? We'll look over things." Kiba said.
"Un. I understand. Be careful though. Don't make any moves until we're there. Our magic users do work quick anyway. Hehe." Suga chuckled, proud.
  "Haha. Yes. Well, Olivia, Daisy, get on." Kiba said he turned into  a giant white fox with multiple tails. I did what he told me to and got on, gripping onto his fur. We then saw Daisy standing there unamused as she then snarled,
  "Yea yea. I am half wolf demon you know. I could get there myself." Daisy pouted as she stuck out her lower lip.
  "Yes. You can. But you will be left behind since I am faster than you. Also, do you even know where Ace is?"
  "There you go. Now stop whining and get on." Kiba snapped. Daisy then stopped complaining and got on reluctantly.
    Kiba then walked towards the stairwell and then I saw Akira and he was talking to the crowd. Then, I saw the 8 dog boys that Ace hangs out with most of the time. Such as the orange, silver, black, & white haired ones. The white haired one being the loudest of them all. I smiled and thought to myself how nice it is that Ace had such lively friends. Also, seeing how all these people are willing to sacrifice themselves for just one person is priceless. Their love for each other as they're a tight knit family instead of a gang that just consists of strangers. This place is so nice when there are so many people that outsiders would consider bad. Yet, they don't let that bother them and they stay strong and live their lives the way they want to live them.
  I want to be like them. Live freely without worrying about what others think. Also, I want to live to be strong and not let other people push me around. That is why I didn't want to listen to Suga and stay behind. I will fight for what I want. What I believe in. This is my life and I will choose how I live it.
   I will make my own decisions and I decided on this. I help save the one I love most. I will save Ace and I will bring him home even if it means my life. If means I have to witness things that I do not want to witness.
   Kiba looked back at me and nodded, knowing what I was about to say,"Lets go". Kiba then leaped down the stairs and a maid and butler opened the double doors of the mansion entrance. Kiba landed outside and then dashed off, faster than a bullet and faster than light. How I was able to hold on? I don't know. But I did.
   We hid behind some bushes  as we found ourselves in a another place, quiet far away from where we lived. This must even be a whole other part since it was unfamiliar to me.
   At first I thought to why we are here, hiding behind bushes in the middle of a forest, looking out in a large clearing where a old mansion stood. I looked at Kiba with a look that showed my confusion.
   Kiba saw me and nodded as if saying, wait and don't worry. With that, I trusted Kiba and kept quiet and watched.  I looked Daisy as she sniffed the air as she had blond wolf ears & tail. Then, she smirked, baring her fangs & whispered,
 "People are coming."  Kiba nodded in agreement as he got ready for if anyone that might be coming at us. Daisy then pulled out a knife and gun. She then handed it to me.
   I took it a bit uneasy. A gun. I don't know what to do with it. How long has it been since I picked up a weapon? Why am I uneasy now? Is it because with this I might kill a person? I can't kill someone. Yet...
   Just then I felt a big and gentle hand on my shoulder. I shot my head up and saw Kiba smiling softly. He then leaned in and whispered in my ear.
  "Daijoubu daiyou(It's alright), you have the choice on how you fight. Not all fighting has to end up with killing someone. You choose your own way of living." With that he pulled away, having calmed me down. Then, I gripped the gun as I examined it.
   Kiba is right, I choose my own life. I don't have to follow the same path as others. So, I need to calm myself. So I musn't the pressure get to me. Everything that has happened so far is fate. It has given me a second chance at life. It also has given me someone to fight for, care for, and share with. That is why I must not back down now and listen to what everyone has said. I will bring back Ace and I will stay by his side until my end. That is my desire and I will fight.
   Just then a whole bunch of men and women with eyes glowing red eyes started to walk out. They all looked as if they were dead as their faces were blank. They all stood in rows, holding weapons and everyday  items that could be used as a weapon.  They stood there, waiting.
   Daisy had on a crazed look as she saw them. She licked her lips and then whispered to Kiba,
  "Can I sick 'em? Please."
  "No. Wait." Kiba whispered back. Then, we watched again and the group people where shifting as they made way for someone as they were making their way to the front. I wanted to scream out his name and run to him as he made his way to the front of the large group.
   Ace smirked as he looked my way. Yet, this wasn't my Ace. This Ace had glowing red eyes as his voice was different. That monster had taken over Ace's body and he was using him. Damn whoever it is that is possessing Ace.
   "Haha. I see you came afterall Kawashima. Don't you see? What I can do? This is all part of the game. Hahaha. The moment you met Ace you joined the game. Now, how will you make your moves?" The man in Ace's body asked. I was pissed at this absurdity. Who & what the hell is this guy. What is he after and why is he treating lives as a game.
   "Haaaa. I am getting sick of this." A male voice said. Everyone turned and looked up and saw Suga standing on top of mansion looking down unamused.
   "Now, let go of Ace please. He isn't a pawn or playing card. He is human who has a will of his own." Suga yelled out again.
  "Huuuh? Do you really think I'd just give up my favorites that easily? You are a fool." The man possessing Ace laughed out. Suga then smirked and snickered.
   "A fool huh? Well, so be it." Suga laughed out and looked up. His bangs covering his eyes. Then he yelled out,
   "Sick 'em!" Just then a bunch of the gang members started pop up in the sky and started to rain down on the possessed people and started to fight. Daisy then grabbed me and dragged me with her as she laughed like the maniac that she is and started to fight.
  Daisy had her back pressed against me and said,
   "Let me handle this. I want you to watch. Also, I want to have my fun. Feel free to go bullet happy." Daisy said throwing me a bag full of bullets. Then, she was off. I stood there, shocked at what I witnessed gruesome deaths. People were having their throats slit, body parts cut off, stabbed, sliced, eaten, etc. Blood pooling out onto this ground. People dropped one by one. Yet, more of those innocent people who were possessed kept on coming in waves. I was dazed and couldn't move. Why? Why?! Move damnit! Move! Remember your goal! Fight! Ignore this! Just fight! Move you coward! Move! Don't let this get to you! This is nothing! Move! You coward! Move damn it!!!
   "Olivia! Look out!" I heard someone call out my name and I turned to see a man coming at me with a pipe that was rusty and had blood on it as it was raised, ready to hit me. I screamed and lifted the gun and shot him multiple times.
  Blood sprayed out onto my face as I luckily didn't shoot him in any vital points but it was enough to disable him and I was able to grab the pipe and I threw it at a random person who wasn't on the gang and knocked them out.
   Just then grabbed me from behind and I was trying to break free.
  "Olivia. Calm down, it's me. Come with me. Ace is gone." Kiba said. That then broke my out from my daze and calmed down.
   "Yes. Hop on. Also, Daisy is having her fun dealing with this. Our job is to find Ace. So get on." Kiba said as he turned into his.fox form again. I got on and buried into his fur, not wanting to see anymore. The sounds. The sounds of screams, pleas, the tearing of flesh and squashing of internal organs, breaking of bones. All of them. They're enough to make me sick. Yet, I must bare with it. This is a battle.
   Kiba stopped for a moment and I looked up and saw Suga slicing away at people without even a drop of sweat on him, his face straight the whole time. Suga saw us and ran over, holding his two swords.
  "Olivia! Are you ok?! How are you holding up?!" Suga asked concerned. I smiled at him wearily and said,
   "I'm fine. I can handle this." I said. Which is not a lie. I am starting to get used to it. I have to. I won't let myself get in my own way. This is important so there's no time to complain. Also, this shouldn't be new to me. I have seen this ever since I was little. So, I will put my troublesome thoughts and emotions to the side in order to focus on what is really important.
   "I see. Heh. You are a odd one Olivia. But I respect that. An..."
   "Oi! Suga! Get your ass back here! You are not dumping all these people on me! You called me over to help and I am helping! Now get your lazy ass back in this damn fight and do your part!" A man with red hair and green eyes yelled as he kept on slapping people away with these strange gloves. Suga turned and laughed as he saw the red haired man.
  "Haha. Sorry buddy! Well. I got to go. I wish you both luck." Suga said with a smile and then went back to fighting with that red haired man who kept on slapping people away.
  "You heard Suga. Lets go." Kiba said as he started to run through the battle field to end up leaving it. The screams and yells now distant we reached another clearing.
   "Where is Ace?"
  "He's here. Right...." Just then, Ace jumped down from behind, his sword drawn. Kiba swung one of his tails, throwing Ace to the right and made him hit a tree. 
   "Olivia! That is not really Ace! Don't you dare move till I say so!" Kiba ordered as he watched Ace. Ace laughed and stood up, holding his sword.
"Haha. Long time no see Kiba."
  "Haha. Sorry. That isn't my name. Try again."
  "Grey." Kiba growled as his fur bristled.
  "Ding ding ding. You finally got it right. You deserve a prize."
"Then let it be the release of my friend."
  "Ahahahahahaha. Oh Kiba. You are funny. Now, can you please butt out. I don't want to fight you."
  "Hehe. It seems you are still weak since the last time you got your ass whooped Maaaaaaany years ago." Kiba said, a sly smile on his face. Ace scoffed and then laughed.
   "Ahahahahahaha! Kiba, you have gotten arrogant instead of wiser. Is your age catching up to you?"
  "What are you up to this time Grey?"
   "Nothing much. Just something that doesn't concern you or the others."
   "This is you. Of course it concerns us. You and your brother both are bad news."
   "Hahaha. Thank you for the compliment. I'm flattered." Grey had laughed out.
  "Well. Lets have bit fun shall we?" Grey asked, still in Ace's body and ran towards Kiba and I, the sword ready. Kiba then turned human and held me. Kiba then jumped back and put me down far away from him and from the battle that was about to happen. 
   Kiba then met up with Ace and then they were gone. Leaving me behind. Now, all I could do is wait for them to return and pray for their safe return.

Kiba's P.O.V. 

   I took Ace into a different dimension that only I can control. No one can come in or out without my permission. In this dimension, it's surrounded by darkness and it's a place where I would come for solitude.
   "Haha. I see. So you want to go Kiba? Fine. Lets have a little fight. I want to see what you will do. This will be interesting." Grey chuckled. I flinched at the thought. If I fight him, then that means I will be injuring Ace. Ugh, I am torn. Grey you ashole. Ace, I am so sorry. 
   "Fine. I'll let you have your fun and then you will let Ace go."
   "Haha. Fine fine. I have important things to do anyway. Now, lets begin." Grey said as he then got ready and ran towards me, Ace's sword out in ready position. 
   He was about to go for my head but I quickly dodged it, turning into my human form at the same time. Grey turned and smile.
   "Hooo? Are you just going to run? How will I get my fun. Just let me kill you!" Grey said as he suddenly vanished and then caught me off guard, slicing my left arm off, blue blood spurting everywhere. I screamed at the pain and jumped back gripping where my arm was cut clean off. This is the only thing that I hate on this world; I start to feel their annoying pain.
   "Haha. Give up Kiba?" Grey mocked as he made one swift move that made all the blood on the sword splatter onto the ground. My left arm quickly regenerated and it was good as new. Now, I am mad.
   "Stop mocking me!" I growled at ran towards Grey. He then started to jump back with fancy moves as he laughed. I kept on trying to hit him with the  scythe that I had manifested ti use in this battle. Yet he kept on somehow avoid my attacks and was able to keep up with me.
    He smirked and kept on jumping and away from me. He was clearly mocking me. I know I should be more calm about this but, while being in this world, my patience has grown low. How dare he mock me?
  "Haha. Kiba~ come on. You are better than this. Has living on this earth weaken your abilities? What a...."
   "Shuuuuut uuuuuuup!" I demanded as caught him off guard and then cut off Ace's arms. His blood the color black like this abyss was spurting everywhere as he screamed out in agony as he fell back. Then, I cut off his legs and there was even more screams from Ace.
    My heart broke at doing this to a friend but I need to get a point out to the enemy.
   Ace'a screams were then cut short with laughter. Grey's cold laughter.
   "Ahahahaha. So that is how you would approach this? I see you are as merciless as ever."
  "Be quiet. I've had enough of you." I said harshly as I stared down at Ace who was still possessed by a long time foe.
   "Haha. Well then. You will be a interesting piece in this game. But be warned Kiba, I have changed over these years and my power is even greater. Yet, my ambition hasn't changed and I will achieve my goal. Well, until we meet again my friend." With that, Grey was gone and Ace was out.
   Looking down I saw Ace's limbs reappear and the bleeding has stopped. A thing that Grey has given him. Immortality.
   "Ace. I'm sorry about that." I said and then picked up Ace and left the dimension to the real world.
    When I arrived there I saw Olivia weeping in the center of the clearing, her back towards Ace and I. I felt my heartbreak for her too. Poor woman. She has been through a lot of emotional stress and I guess she is just letting it all out now.
   "Olivia." I said softly, carrying Ace over my shoulder. Olivia then stopped and turned, seeing Ace and I. Her eyes were red and puffy, her cheeks being stained with tears. 
   "K-Kiba? A-Ace?" She asked weakly. I nodded and smiled and up towards us and she hugged me. I was a bit taken aback but I smiled and patted her head.
   "Don't worry. It's over for now and we're alright." I said softly.
  "Thank you so much. Thank you so much for bringing him back to me." She said, weeping again.
   "Hey. Get on. Lets go home and see how everyone is doing. Can you take him for me?" I asked, motioning to Ace with a smile. Olivia wiped away her tears and smiled.
"May I?"
"You may." I handed over a unconscious Ace to her and she knelt down, leaning over Ace as he was placed on her lap. She held him tightly and cried quietly.
   I looked away and turned into my fox form.
   "Olivia. You ready?" I asked and looked back at her. She looked up at me and forced a smile.
   "Hai(yes). I'm ready."She said, standing up as she carried Ace on her back. Clearly having a bit of trouble. I helped them up and Olivia got comfortable and sat behind Ace in order to keep him on as I walked off.
   When we reached where everyone was, we saw that, the whole yard was covered with bodies and body parts everywhere. Blood painting everything red.
   I skimmed over everything and saw that no one from the mansion was killed; just injured.   And I knew, even before Suga declared it, we won this battle. For now.

To be continued....

Thank you for reading. Even if this chapter did suck. Your support means so much to me and I thank you all. Love you guys. Until we meet again, Ja'ne.



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