Unwanted Guests

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Olivia's P.O.V.

Olivia Heart. Age 23. Soon to be 24 April 23rd. I am currently married to the one I love the most. Ace Heart. A gorgeous knight with a bad sense of direction yet a very optimistic personality and big heart.
That is what I thought as I was getting ready for my wedding in Kylee's room with her, the twins, Daisy, Zae, & Casper who were all well dressed. That will be my new life. That thought. A happy future.
My hair and makeup was done and now Kylee was zipping up my wedding dress. It had a sweetheart top & a beautiful layered skirt as it puffed out with a long trail in the back. I also wore white gloves that went up past my arm. Then, I wore a diamond necklace with clip on diamond earrings. My hair was up in a bun with a few curly strands of red hair out.
Zae placed the veil on my head and smiled.
"There you go. All done. You can go wow him now." Zae said with a smile.
"You look beautiful." Kylee said.
"Wonderful." Lin said.
"Amazing." Ren added.
"Can you marry me instead?" Casper asked with a smile & we all laughed. Because we knew he was joking. Because Casper had said the day after he had came back that he was over me and that he was happy for Ace and I. So we have been living peacefully. Well, somewhat peacefully. Of course there were a few assassination attempts targeted at me and I have been practicing with Daisy. Yet I didn't mind. I mean, I can't die & I'm happy as long as I'm with Ace.
Haha. I guess a bit of his carefree attitude has rubbed off on me.
"Well, we'll take our leave now. Come on Miss Kawashima." Kylee said my last name once more with a smile. I smiled and then said,
"I'll meet up with you guys. Go on ahead without me." I said with a smile. The girls nodded and left, leaving me alone with Casper.
I smiled and looked up at Casper who smiled down at me with his soft green cat eyes.
"I can't believe it. You are getting married." Casper said softly.
"Yea. Never would of thought it'd be possible."
"It would of."
"Gomene." I said, looking the other way sadly.
"Daijoubu daiyou(It's ok)." Casper sang out cheerfully as he placed a hand against my cheek, making me look up at him.
"I am just glad to be with you goshuujin." Casper said. I smiled & nodded, hugging him.
"Arigatou, Casper." I said with a smile.
"Now, lets go. We have a wedding on our hands & I'm the one doing the honor of walking u down that aisle to hand you off to Ace." Casper said with a smile. I beamed up at him & nodded.
"Un. Ikuo(Lets go)." I said with a smile as I grabbed the bouquet of roses and other red flowers. Casper and I intertwined our arms together. Casper led me down a hall that lead to the elevator that we'll be taking to get upstairs to the 6th and to the cathedral where everyone should be waiting.
When we reached the top, Casper lead me to the double doors that led into the cathedral. There, Akira & Kiba were waiting with smiles on their faces. They bowed and so did Casper & I. We all stood straight again, smiling.
"Congratulations." Akira said with a big smile as he looked down at Casper and I. Kiba smiled down at us too and said,
"Good luck." I smiled & nodded, thanking them for their kindness. They opened the doors and I looked in a the beautiful cathedral as everyone sat there & watched as the wedding song started to play and Casper slowly walked me down the aisle where Ace stood at the end, smiling as he wore his white tuxedo, pants, tie, & gloves with a black dress shirt underneath.
As I walked down the aisle I couldn't stop smiling. I was so happy. So very very happy. Casper handed me over to Ace and I stood parallel to him. I looked up at him as he looked down at me, as we smiled and turned, facing the priest that was friends with Suga.
As the priest went on Ace smiled and mouthed,
"You look really beautiful." Smiling, I mouthed with a smile,
"Thank you. You look stunning." Acre smiled and looked straight again as we waited for the priest to get to the best part.
Finally, we said our vows and out "I do". Then finally, the priests said,
"You may kiss the bride." I beamed & wrapped my arms around Ace's neck as he wrapped his around my waist as we kissed & people cheered as they shot confettie cannons & party poppers(since Suga confiscated their guns & other wepons, placing them by the entrance).
I laughed as I smiled, my hands gently placed on Ace's cheeks as our foreheads were pressed against each other. Ace smiled too, as he laughed. I was crying tears of joy as I was so very happy. This is a happy moment. Just then, the windows shattered as these people with reptile like claws, tongues, & eyes came bursting in.
I hugged Ace, startled. Ace glared at the unwanted guests that had us surrounded.
"What the hell are you guys & what do you want?" Ace asked, his voice calm and face straight.
"We are messengers of Aku-Sama and we come for the girl as to he objects to this wedding."
"Aku? Oh. You mean lizard man? Haha. Well tell him to Fuck off for Olivia is mine now and he can kiss my ass, thank you very much. Now good day." Ace said cheerfully with a smile.
"Wait. You know about Aku."
"Lizard man? Yea. He came to me during a dream."
"I see."
"Stop ignoring us!!!" The main lizard yelled, stomping his feet.
"Well that is rude. I was talking to my wife sir." Ace said.
"I was talking first though!"
"I talked to you didn't I? I mean I answered you didn't? So there you go. Now can you please go. You were not invited and it's very rude to crash someone's wedding." Ace said, smiling still.
"WE DON'T CARE!!!" the lizard man yelled flailing as he was mad. Ace laughed and we all just watched the scene.
"Ahahahahaha. Ok ok. Now, I'll ask again one more time nice. Please leave." Ace said, smiling still.
"Give us the girl then we'll leave."
"Nope. Now, like I said before, fuck off." Ace said, his smile still on his face. The lizard men were pissed now as they screeched and started to attack. Everyone had fought back as they reached their weapons and fought back. Even the children grabbed random things and ganged up on a lizard man as they attacked viciously.
Ace took his sword out and picked me up bridal style. He then ran through and out the door as a few of the free lizard men started to chase after us.
"Ace. They're catching up to us."
"It's ok. Just meet to hide you and I'll take care of them without breaking a sweat." Ace said as he smiled down at me as he ran. He sped up and made it to a stairwell and started to slide down the railing, holding me tightly.
Once Ace reached the bottom we saw the lizard men trying to get down here, still behind. Ace ran off and then took me into a room.
"Stay here until I come and get you ok? So hide just in case." Ace whispered quickly as he ran out of the room with his sword drawn.
Locking the door, I hid in a wardrobe that was there & sat down, my knees pressed close to my chest. I waited for Ace to come back & say it's ok as these long passing minutes felt like a eternity. Just then, I heard a crash and Ace grunt as he was in the room now as the heavy wooden door was broken smashed.
"Where is she?!" A monstrous voice demanded.
"I am not telling you Shit! Now fuck off!" Ace yelled as I heard him stand.
"You Damn lizard men. Using with one another for more power. What a coward move." Ace said, his cheery voice hinting annoyance.
I stayed put, not wanting to give my location away and having Ace's efforts to protect me go to waste.
I heard Ace get up and then run at the monster and then there was a slice as the beast let out a ear splitting shriek and I covered my ears, wincing.
"Hehe. You done? Are you going to leave?" Ace asked with a voice that had a playful hint in it. The monster shrieked and then I heard a crack as something or someone was slammed into the wall.
I wanted to help Ace yet I was unarmed and had nothing to defend myself with. Also, Ace told me to not move from my hiding spot until he said so. Yet, it's so hard to just sit here when Ace is getting hurt.
Just then, I felt something crawl up onto my shoulder and I froze in place not knowing what it was. I looked to where is rested yet couldn't see anything in the pitch black darkness of the wardrobe. Then, the little thing did something that I had hoped would never happen.
The thing on my shoulder had repeated in a high pitched little annoying voice,
"She's here! She's here! She's here! I found her! I found her!" I grabbed at the little thing and I had realized that it was a little lizard.
"Kuso(Shit)!" I cursed out in a furious whisper. Just then the wardrobe was lifted and thrown onto the ground as it smashed. I let out a loud grunt as I felt the pain of the impact. I heard a screech as I saw the little lizard was squashed in my hand as I fell on top of it and hand squeezed it. Bluish green fluid was oozing out of it.
The little lizard was dead in my hand yet soon it vanished in a dust. I was confused yet I didn't have much time to ponder on it for I heard a stomping noise behind me and I quickly turned and feel my body freeze as I looked up in horror at a big ugly lizard beast.
It let out a hissing laugh as it reached a giant scaly clawed hand. I threw my high heels at its face and ran off and out the door to see it was dusk now.
I ran to a grove of cherry trees where the Sakura were in full bloom. I looked back and didn't see the beast and I heard the battle cries and gun shots in the distance. I was far yet close to the mansion. Then, out of no where the lizard beast hand landed behind me as it spoke in a deep hissing voice that consisted of many other voices,
"I found you~ Now, come with me~ Aku-Ssssama with be most pleasssssed." It then bared it's sharp teeth in a toothy smrik.
"No! Go! Leave me alone!! I want nothing to do with you people!!!" I ran and then I felt the hand wrap around my waist tightly and I screamed out as he held onto me too tightly.
Just then, there was a flash and the arm was sliced off. I fell and someone caught me.
I opened up my eyes that were shut closed and I opened my eyes to see Ace. His suit was ripped and stained with dirt & blood both in the color of blue/green & red. Ace was wounded and panting as he still had a smile on his face. Then, he spoke in a calm yet threatening voice.
"Don't you fucking dare touch here. How many times have I told you to leave? I am getting angry. You know? Like right now I am really agitated by your attitude. And I am warning you, touch my wife one more time I am going to kill you."
"We don't care." The lizard growled as it grew back it's arm. Ace had put me down and urged me to run. I nodded and let him handle this. Yet, if only I had something to use. Just then I heard someone call out my name from behind. I turned from watching Ace fight and saw Daisy running towards me in her giant blond wolf form.
"Catch!" Daisy turned human and threw something red and black at me. I caught it and and saw it was a red and black hand gun with a read ribbon on it. I looked up at Daisy who smirked as she was covered in the lizard men blue/green blood as she walked towards me.
"Aim for the eyes. Shoot them out and you'll give Ace the chance to give it the finishing blow. It's dying anyway. Even it gives off the look of not stopping soon. It's the fusion of many of those scaly bastards and that thing has already lost many to it's men because of all the times Ace had cut off it's limbs. For it was like cutting a person in half. Killing them as another person is replaced. Haha. Pathetic. Now, aim." Daisy said as she whispered into my ear.
I looked back and saw Ace. Even though he was smiling and laughing as he taunted the monster, he was still wounded and will get tired.
I clenched my jaw as I let Daisy instruct me. Then, I fired and shot twice, hitting the monster both in the eyes as it shrieked and stumbled back as it covered its eyes with the palms of it's clawed hands. I gave the gun back to Daisy who but it back in it's holster and we watched.
Ace looked back at Daisy and I, beaming,
"Danke!" He yelled back as he ran and jumped up slicing the creature's head off and cutting it down the center. It's screech faded as it disappeared into a dust that too vanished. Ace had his back to us as he sheathed his sword.
Ace turned around smiled as he said,
"That was fun." I felt tears in my eyes as ran towards him and tackled him into a hug. Ace chuckled and then started to hug me back, lifting me a bit.
"Ace. Are you ok?"
"Yea. Of course I am. It takes a lot to hurt me. Haha." Ace said with a laugh.
"Thank god." I smiled as I buried my face in his chest.
"How is everyone?" Ace asked, looking up at Daisy.
"Ha! We only have wounded. No casualties. Those guys were merely lower demons. Easy piece of shits."
"Ah. So only wounded you say. How is that damage?" Ace kept on asking.
"Meh. Suga is pissed but those magic people are helping fix up the place and people. Which still gives us the chance to have the reception. We can not end this day without the party! There must be a party still!" Daisy said.
Ace and I laughed while Daisy too joined in.
"Yea. It was just the chaple. The downstairs where the reception is going to be is untouched. I made sure to have my fun and keep those bastards in the upstairs. No one ruins my chance at Sake." Daisy added with a evil look on her face. Ace nodded and then told her it's ok. Daisy nodded and then shifted into a wolf as she ran off to the mansion to tell everyone the news and that the party will still commence. Which seemed so important to her. Ace and I stayed under the cherry trees as we watched her off.
"Ace. You ok?"
"Yea. Are you ok?"
"Yea. Just a aching a bit but other than that I'm ok."
"That is good. But your dress is a mess. Look at all those tears and rips. Haha."
"Oh. Hehe. But it's in better than your clothes. Haha."
"Welp. You go me there. Hahaha."
"Yea. Hey, don't they look pretty?"
"What does?"
"The sakura. Aren't they pretty?" I said in a soft voice with a smile on my face as I rested my head on Ace's shoulder looking up at the cherry blossoms. Ace looked up and smiled.
"Yea. They are."
"Did you there is Japanese tail and it explains why cherry blossoms get their color because there are dead bodies under them and the tree roots absorbed the body's blood and it gave the petals their colors."
"Wow. Really? Well, there are burials here every year. Haha. Well, if that is true, expect to see a cherry tree tree with blue green petals because of that monster that we killed. Haha." Ace said in a playful voice. I smiled and laughed. Then I leaned against Ace with a smile as I kept watching the sakura as they blew in the beautiful night breeze. The moon having came out and illuminated the sky and it shone down on everything. Creating a beautiful and unique scene as it went nicely with the sakura.
Looking at Ace now I smiled and he smiled back. I leaned up and kissed him as he kissed me back.
"Ready to go to the party?" Ace asked with a smirk. I smiled and nodded as I let him pick me up bridal style as he walked back to the mansion. I smiled and nuzzled his neck, beyond happy.

Aku's P.O.V.

I was enraged at the demons I had sent. They failed to disrupt the wedding on time & they even failed to bring her back. Next time I will sent more powerful minions. I watched Olivia thru my crystal ball, enraged as I watched her have a good time as she spent time with Ace at their after party which was crazy as it was a mixture of drunks and non drunks as they caused chaos.
I can't believe he married her even when I have been haunting him in his dreams and warning him to not do it. Yet my brother's pet didn't listen! How it pisses me off. That man has got some nerves. Now, I shall start to send more minions after him and Olivia. I will find them in a weak point and capture them. Olivia Kawashima WILL be mine. And she WILL be my wife and not his. This is war.

Anntonia's P.O.V.

I was crying right now. When I found out that Ace was married to Kawashima Olivia I started to sob in room filled with sadness and rage. When I was done crying, I wiped away my tears and went back to my work. The work that had distracted me so I was too late to interfere in the marriage using Casper.
As I was working I was focused on getting my magic stronger so I can make the spell that I want. The potion. When I make it Ace will be mine and I can crush Olivia. I went back to work as I now smiled, dreaming about Ace.

Thank you for reading. I hope you are enjoying it. Please feel free to vote or comment. I really appreciate it. Thank you for your support and I love you guys so much. Until next time, Ja'ne <3


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