The Heartless One

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Olivia's P.O.V.

"Suga. Do you have any information about Ace?" I asked Suga as I sat in front of his desk.
Suga sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"To be honest, Ace is the only one that I don't have much info on. But, I do believe that Akira and Kiba know about Grey. They know him anyway. Kiba is out right now though but Akira, will you give us the details?"
"Hai. Grey is a god like Kiba and I. Yet he is a fallen one. Many many years ago there was a fight between him and the gods. He wanted power and he used his younger brother to help him. Aku. The one you're most familiar with. Anyway, there was a long battle between the gods and him. We won and stripped him of his powers. Banishing him to the cold wastelands on earth. Yet, a god's power is great so it can't be destroyed. So we contained his power. It was split up into four orbs. Three having been hidden in protected shrines and then one in a secret area under this very home."
"Masaka(no way)."
"Hai(yes). That is why we have many precautions. Have you not noticed?" Suga mentioned.
"I have. But..."
"Yea. We do get other rival gangs on us but we also tend to get a lot of supernatural things on us. It is expected. But also,we are in charge of many important jobs." Suga said.
"I see. I love Ace so don't get the wrong idea when I ask this. This is merely a logical question. But why do you allow Ace to stay with you if you know who is following him." I asked. Suga and Akira widened their eyes, taken aback by that question. Then they started to laugh.
"Huh? What is so funny?" I asked confused.
"Y-your question. That's what." Suga said between his burst of laughter.
"W-what about my question?" I stuttered. Absolutely confused.
"Haha. Olivia-chan, Ace is a really good person and here everyone loves him. We're family. Unless something happens and someone goes against us on their own will then they are subjected to torture and or a quick death." Akira said in a formal manner and polite tone with a smile.
I sweatdropped, looking at them with a pokerface.
"Haha. Oh you're really funny Olivia." Suga said, catching his breath.
"I see. Well, for crime boss who is so young and went through so much, you sure are impressive."
"Haha don't flatter me. I am just normal human has sinned a whole lot to get where he is today. Anyway, enough about me. So, we are well aware of what Ace is and his background. Yet his is very...complex."
"I understand that. And I already know most of it. There are just bits and pieces that I don't know. Like why can't Ace tell it all straight up? Is he truly heartless and why would Grey tell me that if he would kill Ace if he mentioned anything like that. I just doesn't make sense." I said, looking down.
"Well, Akira, why don't you tell her. You know way more than me." Suga said, looking at Akira. Akira nodded and then started to answer my question.
"Well. Grey is a odd one. You already know much about him I assume."
"I do."
"Well, Grey was always fond of games. He thought life was boring as it is and always wanted to, "Shake things up", is what I think kids these days would say."
"Anyway. He also loved to play with his victims. Tricking them to listen to him is what he does. Then, ad he persuades his victims he then would take whatever he thinks is worth taking. From that person' s name to their heart. It all depends on what he has on his mind. Well, once he takes what he took from that person he then has full control over that person. He does let them have their will. Let them make their own decisions. Yet when he needs them to, they'd be under his total control. Make do his bidding and that person would never know. I don't know what they experience during that time sadly. Anyway, in Ace's case he must of had his heart. And Grey must have something on his mind. That is why. Also, depending on how Grey wants this game of his to go he'd either do nothing or do something awful to his victims. Well, that is all that I know at the moment."
"Don't worry Olivia. If I get any information I'll be sure to inform you right away." Suga said in a cheerful voice. I smiled and nodded.
Standing up I bowed, said my thanks and left.
I entered my room and started to panic. Ace and Clementine where gone while Romano was sleeping on the couch.
"Romano!!" I said his name sharply. Romano jumped, flailing as he screamed and fell off the bed. Taking a pillow and the covers down with him.
"Romano! Where is Ace and Clementine! You were supposed to watch them!" I barked out. Romano was in a daze and fumbling.
"Help me look for them!" I ordered him and he nodded, doing as he was told as we exited the room. We went our separate ways searching for them.
I lost track of how long I searched for them. I was on the brink of crying. I can't loose them. What if Grey took them? He said he would. He told me to keep a eye on them even. Which made this even more urgent.
I finally ran outside. As always there were guards and children playing. Then there were gardeners. I ran up to one, panting and asked him if she has seen Ace.
"Ah. Yea. I saw him a his baby. He went west from here." She said, pointing the direction he went and into the woods.
I thanked her really quick and then ran that way. I ran and didn't stop running. My heart pounded and ached. It was hard to breath and my legs hurt. But I kept running. I ran even if tree branches scratched my face. If I fell I just forced myself to keep running.
I was lost at first yet I don't know when, I soon felt the urge to run towards this one direction. So I did. I kept running until I ended up in this one area. It was night yet I could still see what was in front of me, causing me to feel a wave of recognition. It was the cabin. The cabin that Ace has brought me to twice. Then there was the lake.
Walking over towards the lake I saw him. Ace was sitting by the lake with Clementine. Making her laugh as she kept playing with Ace.
I laughed inbetween pants. Trying to steady my breathing. I hunched over, my hands resting against me knees. I felt like I was going to collapse, yet I was so happy. So relieved. They were safe. They're not gone.
Clementine looked over at me and Ace turned to see what she was looking at.
"Olivia?!" Ace said my name with shock. He held Clementine in his arms, rushing over to me. When he reached me he placed a gentle gloved hand on my shoulder.
"Olivia, what happened to you? You're all scratched up and stuff." He said.
"Haha. I'm ok. It's just that..." I got dizzy for a second and then stumbled a bit, about to fall until Ace caught me with one arm; letting me lean on him as he slowly lowered us to the ground.
I rested on Ace's lap and he pet my hair, letting me regain my breath. Clementine then also started to pet my head, mimicking her daddy. I chuckled watching her and she would laugh back as she kept petting me.
"So. What happened to you?" Ace asked.
"Oh. I didn't see you guys and got worried. That is all. Yes I got scratched by the trees and fell a couple of times but nothing serious." I said with a smile as I held Clementine's tiny hands and nuzzled her, causing her to laugh.
"I see. Well, you should know not to worry." Ace said with a smile. I looked up at him, smiled and nodded. I snuggled Ace and Clementine and felt so happy.
Before I could fall asleep Ace said,
"Hey, let's stay here for the night." Ace said looking back at the cabin. I smiled and nodded. Standing up I picked up Clementine and stood up. Ace got up as well as he followed.
When we got inside Ace removed the cloth that was on the furniture. I smiled and rocked Clementine in my arms. Causing her to doze off as she fell asleep in my arms.
"Hehe. She fell asleep huh?" Ace said with a smile.
"Hehe. Yea." I answered. Then I yawned. Sleep creeping up on me. Ace went upstairs and I followed him to the main bedroom.
"We'll head back in the morning ok?" Ace said.
"Mmmhmmm. Oh, Ace, what happened? Why did you leave?" I asked.
"Well. Clementine was crying for she needed a diaper change and your cousin was out like a light. So I took care of it and decided to take her out for a walk. Then we somehow ended up here." Ace explained to me with a smile. I laughed. That was typical of him and so I couldn't help but laugh at how funny that is.
"Haha. Stop laughing." Ace said in a light hearted manner. I chuckled and slowly stopped. Walking towards the bed I laid down and placed Clementine next to me so I can see her. Ace laid down next to Clementine and faced me.
Ace held her tiny hand in his much larger one; while I placed a gentle hand over her belly and rubbed it. Clementine slept so soundly and I watched her with soft eyes and smile.
"Next time, at least leave me a note or something when you go out with Clementine without me. Ok?"
"Suuuuuure?" Ace said, a look of confusion on his face. I smiled and laughed softly.
"You look funny."
"Haha. Do I really? Oh well." Ace said yawning. Smiling I kissed him and he kissed back. Then, we fell asleep, all huddled together. Just the three of us in the tiny moment of joy.

Grey's P.O.V.

Excellent. This test went well. Have Ace leave with the child and Olivia will find then regardless. Even when she is lost. This just proves my point. They are connected. Now, I have something interesting mind that will surely make this even more fun. I am curious to see how their little minds will work even. And that experiment will commence once Mitsuda has completed the task I have given him. Haaa. This is the most fun I've had since an eternity.

To be continued.....

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