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Olivia's P.O.V.

    I was sitting through the lecture when someone odd caught my attention. A man who looked like a foreigner. He wore a odd get up and had a sword on him; which was even more odd was that he had a sword on him and it makes you wonder how he was able to sneak that in. We are not allowed to have weapons.
   For the rest of the lesson I listened and took notes but I kept glancing over at the brown haired and red eyed man. I don't know why I was attracted to him but I was. He seemed so out of place I guess. Especially in that get up he sticks out like a sore thumb.
    Well, I shouldn't be talking, I am the only red haired Japanese halfbreed.
    It was after the lecture that I noticed that the man had left and forgot the homework assignment behind. So, as a respectable classmate, I thought I'd go and give it to the new guy. 
  I ran out and finally caught up to him.
    "Excuse me! Sir! Your forgot your homework assignment!" I huffed out since he was actually already pretty far away and I had to avoid people.
    "Huh? Who are you?" He asked as he turned around and faced me. I felt my heart pound in my chest and I didn't understand why I am feeling weak around him. Maybe I am just tired.
    "I am Kawashima Olivia, I am a classmate of yours. Nice to meet you." I introduced myself as I bowed.
    "I am Ace. Ace Heart, nice to meet ya." He said with a smile that made my heart pound even harder. 
    "Well, here, you forgot your homework and I thought I'd give it to you." I said calmly with a smile as I handed him the books and papers.
    "Um. Ok. Thank you." He said cheerfully as he smiled again after a moment of confusion. I laughed a bit.
   "Huh? Hey, what is so funny?" He asked as he tilted his head to the left, obviously lost.
   "Haha. Nothing. Well, where are you going?" I asked.
   "Home obviously. Why would you something as silly as that?" He asked as chuckled as he smiled. Most likely thinking I was a bit odd.
    "Well, um, you are heading towards the beach and there are no houses there." I said as I sweatdropped.
    "Huh?! Is that where I was going? Hm. I thought home was this way. Oh well. I guess it's this way then." He said cheerfully as he walked towards the right leading into the forest.
    "Um. Hear..."
    "Ace. Call me Ace. No need to call me by my last name. It just sounds weird anyway. Haha."
  "O-oh. I-I see. Sumimasen." I said embarrassed. 
    "Don't worry about." Ace said and kept on walking. I don't know why but I wanted to ask him one more question or else it I would go crazy, I have to know,
   "Why are you dressed the way you are and what are you?" I asked him. Ace stopped and looked over his shoulder at me and grinned,
   "A knight." With that he left and disappeared into the woods.
Leaving me behind yet not leaving my thoughts.

To be continued....


   Thank u for reading!!! XD


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