Chapter 14: The Girl

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(This is kind of done lazily) (Tw: Homophobia)

Veronica said that she was gonna hang out with Sal after school. He didn't mind. He actually wanted to go with her, but she said that she wanted to go by herself so now Travis was in his room listening to music while trying to do his work. Although something in his stomach didn't feel right. Why would Veronica just randomly go to Sal's for no reason? Sal definitely wasn't cheating on him that's a no brainer. There is really no reason that she would go to his apartment for no reason, but he trusted them so he tried not to let his gut get ahead of him.

He decided to go to Larry's. Yeah they were in the same apartment complex, but he wasn't going to Sal's. He went to the basement and knocked on the door. Lisa opened it. "Oh hey Travis! C'mon in!" Lisa said as she let Travis in. "Thanks, Lisa." Travis said kindly. "Of course, Larry is in his room as always." Lisa said with a smile. Travis nodded then went to Larry's room.

"Hey what's up dude?" Larry asked. "Nothing to much. I am just bored and Veronica and Sal are hanging out alone so I didn't want to bug them." Travis said shrugging. "Oh, well you can hang in here. I will be painting, but you can talk to me. I always enjoy the company." Larry said getting out his paint supplies. They then talked about school, painting, music and many other things.

It had been a few hours and Travis looked at the clock and it said '11:55' Travis was shocked at the time. He had school in the morning! "Hey I gotta go, but I'll talk to you tommorrow." Travis said standing up. "Alright dude see ya later." Larry said still working on his painting.

Travis left and bumped into Veronica down at the exit. "Hey, Vee! How you doing?" Travis asked. She mumbled a 'fine' and kept walking. He was confused, but he kept watching her and he noticed that her eyes were puffy and really red. Like as if she was crying. "Did Sal make you cry?" Travis asked his bestfriend. She shook her no. Travis nodded "That's good." Travis said still suspecting that Sal made her cry somehow. She stayed quiet the whole time they walked home.

It was now lunch the next day and Sal met up with Travis before they met up with the rest. It was silent until Travis spoke up "Hey Sal, why was Vee crying? Did you make her cry?" He asked sadly. Sal took a deep breath and said "Kinda." Travis was shocked "Wait why? Tell me-" Travis was cut off by Sal saying "Just listen!" Then Travis stopped talking while Sal told him what happend last night. After Travi nodded in understanding "Ok, I get it now. You were trying to help her. Thanks Sal." Travis said and Sal nodded. "Of course Travis." Sal said taking Travis' hand and they walked to the rest of their friends. What they didn't know was that somebody was watching in disgust.


She watched the happy couple in disgust and took a picture. She sent it to the mysterious man on her phone. She thought it was hilarious that she hated guys yet she had to date Veronica to get close to the two boys. She just wanted to get this over with and that might be her mistake. She wanted to get this over with and stop dating the girl name Veronica. She sent the picture to Kenneth knowing the next step was for Kenneth to print the picture and for her to hang them all over the school.


It was a few hours after school. Travis and Veronica didn't talk for a while and Travis was getting bored. He decided to walk into her room and immediately regretted it when he saw Vee and some other girl kissing on her bed. He put his hands over his eyes and said "Oh shit! I am sorry!" The girl named Angie then dashed to the bathroom and she looked embarrassed. Travis saw a quick glimpse of her face he couldn't quite put a finger on it, but he knew that he had seen her somewhere. Then it clicked, the church! He thought that was kind of weird thought because everyone at the church was terribly homphobic.. He decided to shrug it off which was a big mistake.


She went to the bathroom and started gagging. She hated the kiss. She rinsed her mouth out and calmed herself down. "It's ok Angie, just a little longer." Angie told her self taking deep breaths. She didn't want to do this, but her family owed Kenneth. After all he did help save them from poverty. She decided it was now time to leave. She decided to sneak past Travis and down the stairs then she carefully left the door. She walked into the crispy cold breeze she could see her breath. She took a breath and could feel the air go into her lungs. She then left the 'perfect' house.


It was now the next day and they all were sitting in Larry's room waiting for the person they were about to meet. Veronica said that she wanted everyone to meet somebody. She then was giggiling while she brought in a girl. The girl had ginger hair and freckles on her face. She was wearing baggy pants with a big black shirt. She seemed uncomfortable in her clothes as if she wasn't used to them. "This is my girlfriend, Angie." Veronica introduced the ginger. The ginger smiled and took Veronica's hand. Everyone was shocked except Sal and Travis as expected. "You have a girlfriend?" Larry asked shocked and Nica shook her head yes excitedly. Sal couldn't shake off the feeling that there was something wrong with the girl. There was just something off by the way she would give Travis weird glances and the way she looked uncomfortable around them. Nobody else seemed to notice so Sal decided to shrug it off. He then tried to enjoy the rest of the time he was with his friends and the other girl.

Hey guys!! I am SUPER sorry that this is short and lazily written. I am working on another salvis fanfic right at the moment so that's why. It's in my drafts so you won't see it yet. I can never focus on one thing lol! Thank you guys for 150 reads! That is super shocking! I hope you enjoyed and also have an amazing day/night!
(Not edited sorry!)


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