Chapter 7: Larry's Creepy Dungeon

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(Tw: parents arguing)


They had all left. Travis wanted to go with Sal, but he knew it was best to go to his house. "Maybe tommorrow." He thought to himself considering how it was now the weekend. Almost as if Veronica could read his mind she said "Tommorrow we are going to Larry's for a sleepover." She said as she opened the door to the now both their house. "Hello angels!" Veronica's mom said as they entered. "Hello Mrs. Lauren." Travis said kindly "Hello mom!" Veronica said excitedly as she set her backpack down. "How was school today?" She asked while she hugged Veronica. She was about to hug Travis but he flinched back, so instead she smiled at him. "It was ok, nothing to much." Veronica said as she shrugged. "How about you, Travis?" She asked sweetly. "It was good." "I'm glad! Now I am going to cook dinner. We are having pasta!" She said going to the kitchen with a apron on. Travis nodded.

"C'mon let's go to my room because your room is boring!" Veronica said as she took Travis' hand and led him upstairs. "Hey! It's not boring! It just doesn't have any decoration." Travis said. "Mhm..." Veronica hummed as she rolled her eyes. They walked into her room and it was very nice. She had a bunch of posters of bands that Travis had no idea that they existed except Sanity Falls. He had also noticed one that he had heard about it the name was "Slipknot". Other then that her bed sheets were purple and on her shelves she had records for her record player by her electric guitar. "Nice room." Travis said. "Yeah I know right! I mean whenever the whole group gets to see my room their all gonna love it!" Veronica said as her ego boosted a little. "Yeah especially Larry." He said with a little chuckle. She nodded before saying "Now I'm gonna turn you into a metalhead." She smirked. "A what?" "A metal head! Your gonna love being one! It's exactly what Larry is. Your gonna listen to metal all the time especially sinse you already like Sanity Falls it's a great starter band." She said as she grabbed a record and set up her record player. "Uhm.. ok!" Travis said matching her excitment.

Before they knew it they were head banging and having the most fun that either of them had in a while. Eventually they heard Veronica's mother's angelic voice call down for the two to come eat. They went down there and Veronica's father which Travis hadn't met was already at the table. "Hello... Travis." The man said looking at a news paper. Veronica rolled her eyes, but Travis didnt notice. "Hello sir." He said with a thick swallow. He was scared by the way he said it. The man chuckled. "Hey boy! Come sit down!" Travis' anxiety settled down before smiling and sitting by the man. "So we haven't met, but I am Veronica's dad. Your name is Travis, right?" "Yes. Mr. Lauren!" Veronica's dad laughed "Veronica's mom and I never married. You can call me Victor." The man said. He had blonde hair much like Travis' but more of a bleach blonde. He had the hazel eyes that Veronica has. Veronica was like a perfect mix of the two. Travis smiled "Ok, Victor." Veronica got the plates out for the two. "Oh! I could've gotten it Veronica!" Travis said feeling bad. "It's fine! I wanted to." She said sitting next to Travis. "Sweetheart, you know you don't always have to get my food either right?" Victor said in a sweet and kind voice. Travis was a little shocked because Kenneth his 'father' is very on about that stuff and he would've yelled at Veronica is she didn't do that. "Yeah, I know dad. I just felt like being nice." She aid with a sweet voice. Victor nodded. "Veronica said he parents were strict this doesn't seem strict though, maybe they are just more strict on other things." Travis thought while eating his pasta with everyone else.

In the middle of dinner Veronica said "One of the kids at school called my music Satanic. It's not even Satanic!" She said annoyed. "Well when I first listened to it I thought it was Satanic as well." Veronica's mother said wiping her mouth. Victor laughed at that. "Metal isn't Satanic! I'm the one who showed Veronica metal!" He said still chuckling. "Well your right. I was raised off of country though so then again I don't know that kind of thing." Veronica's mother said taking a bite. "As long as she isn't kissing girls I don't really care though!" Veronica's mother said then laughed. "Oh... there it is." Travis thought. Travis knew what to do. He grabbed Veronica's hand to her shock "That won't be with me! After all she is my girlfriend." Travis lied going with what the mother said. Weirdly Victor didn't say anything about the matter. "Of course! I can already see your little wedding when your adults!" She giggled and the two teens wanted to throw up. Veronica even gagged going unnoticed by the parents. "Aww, thanks mom! I appreciate it!" Veronica said putting on her mask that she had perfected for her parents. Victor smiled "Alright kiddos, sinse you two have finished go upstairs!" He said ruffling up both of their hair. They nodded and went upstairs.

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