Chapter 15: The Date

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(Tw: body shaming and manipulation) mostly just fluff though :>


After the kinda awkward two hours of being around Angie they all left. Before they had left Travis told him that he wanted to go on a date Friday. Sal was excited because he hadn't gone on a real date before. He took the elevator up to his floor and when he got to his room he flopped onto his bed. Gizmo meowed at him and then snuggled up right by his armpit. Then Sal accidentally fell asleep from the long day he had.


Travis didn't really like Angie. There was something seriously up with the girl. He had a weird gut feeling about her, but he didn't bother saying anything to Vee. He instead changed his thoughts to the date he and Sal were gonna have on Friday! He had a few ideas now he was just gonna have to figure out which one and how he was gonna do it.

In shorter words he stayed up all night trying to plan out the date. He had only gotten about an hour of sleep, so you can imagine he barely stayed awake in class. At least he was prepared for Friday. He decided to take Sal to a movie. "That should be fun!" Travis thought to himself feeling proud.

He went to school tiredly while his eyebags popped out like a zebra in a herd of horses. Anyone could look at him and tell that he was tired. Vee and Travis waited under the bleachers waiting for their friends and Travis' lover. The talked, but Travis was just trying to stay up. Once Larry and Sal got over there Sal rushed over to Travis worridly. "How much did you sleep last night?" Sal asked worridly. "I think an hour." Travis said and yawned. "That's not good! You need to sleep more then an hour! You should've stayed home." Sal said scolding him. "But I wanted to see you." Travis said. Sal blushed under his prosthetic at his reply. "Ok, fine." Sal said and sighed. He just couldn't stay mad at Travis for long. Larry snickered at this and Veronica nudged him. "Hey guys!!" Ash said walking up to the group. "Hey Ash!" Veronica said. Then they all chatted and teased before going into the hell that we call 'school'.

Travis struggled to stay up in all of his classes. There wasn't a single class that he stayed up for longer then twenty minutes. He knew he shouldn't have stayed up late, but he was excited.


Ash met Angie and she got a feeling of disgust from her. Whenever she talked to Angie she kept it short because she could feel the hatred and disgust radiating off of Angie. She wondered who she hated though. Nobody just goes into somebody's house and hates them there is always a good reason to hate them, but there was no reason this time. All Ash knew is that she was going to need to watch her back.

"Hey, Ash!" Larry's voice snapped her out of her thoughts. "Hey Larry. What's up?" She asked. He shrugged. "Nothing to much just wanting to go home." Larry responded. Ash nodded her head. "Where are the others?" Ash asked. "Todd and Neil are still getting lunch. Mapel and Chug are together. Travis and Sal I actually don't know." Larry responded. "Let me guess, Veronica is with her girlfriend?" "Ditto." Larry said nodding. Then they shared a comfortable silence before Larry said "It sucks being single." "I agree. It makes it harder seeing all of our friends getting people." Ash said. "I know right!?" Larry said annoyed and Ash giggled.


"Hey Angie! I missed you!" Veronica said walking towards the red head. "I missed you too!" Angie said giving Veronica a hug. Veronica took that chance to give her a kiss on the cheek. Angie giggled, but it sounded forced. "Let's go on a walk in the feild." Veronica said taking Angie's hand. "Ok." Angie said as the two girls walked to the feild. It was quiet for a few minutes until Angie said "Y'know I think you should lose a little weight. Your super pretty though! I think you would just look better being skinnier." Angie said and Veronica nodded. "Ok I will work on it." Veronica said. Angie giggled and said "You know I love you right?" Angie said manipulating the poor Veronica that we all love (you love her now whether you like it or not). "I love you too." The teen said not knowing what love really is. Angie smiled and said "Perfect." Veronica thought it was because she was happy, but it was for other reasons.


Travis and Sal were sitting by a tree. They didn't tell anyone where they were. They were laughing and giggling. "I am so happy I am with you." Travis said putting his head on the tree trunk. "Yeah, me too." Sal said taking Travis' hand. Travis wasn't expecting this so he turned a red color. Sal laughed and then Travis chuckled. "So your gonna come get me on Friday?" Sal asked and Travis nodded. "I am super excited." Travis' stated. "Me too. We're gonna have so much fun." Sal responded while he traced little shapes on Travis' hand.

(Time skip to Friday)

Sal was waiting for Travis. He was wearing some casual jeans and a black shirt. He chipped at his black nail polish waiting for Travis. Whenever he is nervous he has a bad habit of chipping at his nails or biting them. He would prefer to chip at his nail polish then to bite his nails, so he paints them. On que there was a knock on the door. He opened it and it has Travis. He had jeans on and the purple sweater that Sal got him. He wears that sweater everyday. "You ready?" Travis asked. "Yeah lets go." Sal said while smiling even though Travis couldn't see it. Travis took his hand and they left the building. "I don't have a car, so we will have to walk." Travis said. "That's fine!" Sal said.

They had gotten to the movie theaters and Travis payed for everything he wouldn't even let Sal pay a penny. Sal liked how much of a gentleman Travis was, but he felt bad for not paying. They finally got their seats and the adds before the movie were playing. "Hey Sal?" Travis asked fidgeting with his fingers nervously. "Yeah?" Sal asked. "Are you every gonna be comfortable enough to show me what's under your prosthetic?" Travis asked nervously. "Yeah I will eventually... I was actually thinking about after the movie." Sal said. "That's perfect because I was planning on taking you to the feild." Travis said excitedly. "Hey don't get to excited now. You actually might hate me afterwards." Sal sighed. "No that's not possible." Travis said. "Yeah sure." Sal said before the movie started. What the blue haired boy didn't know is that it really was impossible for Travis to hate Sal.

They watched the horror movie because it is Sal's favorite genre and he has been waiting for that exact movie for a while. Travis was pretty much shaking the entire movie. He was clinging onto Sal. He was just as bad as Veronica except this time he felt a lot "manlier".

"That movie was great!" Sal said throwing away the popcorn bucket. "Yeah I agree I don't think I will be able to sleep for at least a week." Travis said. Sal laughed "Your really funny, Travis." "...... I wasn't joking." Travis said then Sal decided to change the subject "Are you ready to go to the feild?" Sal asked. Travis nodded his head. Sal took Travis' hand and they went to the feild. When they got their they would talk a little about other stuff until Sal finally said "Ok, I am ready." Travis nodded like he wasn't about to jump for joy. Sal took a deep breath and took off the prosthetic. Travis stared in awe he didn't know what to say. Sal had deep scars around his eye and around half of his face. A bit of his chin was missing, but Travis didnt care. Sal started to get anxiety and covered his face then Travis realized he needed to say something. "Sal, some may say your beautiful and I completely agree, but I physically can not tell you how gorgeous you are with or with out the prosthetic." Travis said. Sal started to cry. "Did I do something?" Travis asked worridly. "No I just wasn't expecting that." Sal said. Travis let Sal cry he kissed his forehead and told him how much he loved him to the best of his abilities.

Eventually Sal fell asleep and woke up in Travis' lap and to Travis' sweet voice saying "Sal, it's time to get up." Sal sat up stretched his arms and put his prosthetic back on. "What time is it?" Sal asked. "It is almost ten we need to go home." Travis said pecking Sal's cheek. The two boys walked back to their homes both satisfied with how the night turned out.


"Yes sir, thank you for sending the pictures." Angie said to Kenneth over the phone. "No, thank you Angie. Don't have to much fun on Monday." Kenneth said over the phone chuckling. "I won't sir. Have a nice weekend." "You too." She smirked. "They won't see what's coming on Monday." She thought even though a tiny part of her felt bad about it.

Hey guys! Sorry this is super short. We only have a few more chapters left!!🥳 I wanted to finish this earlier, but one of my chapters from "Fuck The World (Salvis)" deleted itself so then I had to re-write it. Well I hope you enjoyed have a nice day/night!


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