Chapter 17: Freedom

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(There is some dark humor here)


Angie was having trouble getting close to Veronica to ask to 'hang out'. She needed her address to send to Kenneth. It was step number two in their plan.

She was tired of this plan. She just wanted everything to be over with. After this plan she is gonna go back to her private school with her friends. She just wanted this to he over with, so she wasn't trying very hard.

Eventually Veronica suggested that the both of them could meet up under the bleachers.

Veronica was already there and she was playing some random little game on her phone. Angie walked up and said "Hey Veronica! I missed you!" Angie lied as she hugged Veronica. Veronica nervously laughed and hugged her very weirdly. "Hey I wanted to tell you something." Veronica said stepping back. Angie looked into her eyes giving her attention silently telling her to continue. Veronica started fidgeting with her finger before she said "I wanna break up." She let out a sigh of relief after she said it. Angie gave her a fake worried look and looked down.

"W-why?" Angie said in a forced worried voice which made Veronica cringe. "I know that you are working with Kenneth, so I am just dumping you and getting you out of my life. In the nicest way possible go fuck off." Veronica said with some weird twinkle in her eyes.

Angie was shocked she thought she easily had gotten the plan over with and now what was she gonna do? Tell Kenneth 'Hey! I tried my best, but Travis and his friends found out!' They would get kicked out of the church for sure. Now she was truly in danger.

She sighed and said "What are you talking about?" In a fake sweet voice. Veronica rolled her eyes. "Ok, you can keep pretending like you don't know, but I am out of here. We are over." Veronica said before leaving. Now the plan was truly over.


Veronica was proud of herself. She felt a weight come off of her shoulders. Now none of her and her friends needed to deal with anything. They could all be happy and that is all that matters. Of course she was a bit upset that Angie wasn't the girl she pretended to be, but she felt more proud then upset.

She went through her day happy and unbothered. She felt as if there was nothing that could ruin her mood. All of her friends noticed and would also try to keep her happy.

It was lunch and they were all talking and Sal finally got the curouge to ask "Veronica, why are you so happy today?" Sal asked. "Well, I broke up with Angie. Now we shouldn't have to deal with anyone else." Veronica said before eating her Maceroni and Cheese. "Wait you really did it?" Larry asked. Veronica nodded. This made everyone's day so much better.

A few days had passed and of course everyone still had their guard up just in case, but nothing happend. Angie stopped going to school after Veronica and her broke up. Things were going smoothly and they were all happy and that's what mattered.


Sal just got done with homework. He sighed as he put all his homework in his backpack. He walked over to Gizmo and pet him for a little while.

Larry then came barging in which didn't suprise Sal very much. "Hey little dude!" Larry said as he sat on his bed next to Sal. "Hey, Larry. What's up?" Sal asked. "Nothing to much I just wanted to hang out with my buddy." Larry said with a grin. "How sweet, I am honored." Sal said jokingly making Larry chuckle. "Y'know it's hard to believe that it's over." Larry said seriously. "What do you mean?" Sal asked. "I mean this chapter in our life. We are about to graduate in a few months and now there is nothing we really should have to worry about drama wise." Larry explained. Sal nodded "Yeah, your right. At least it will end soon because now we can move on with our lives." Sal said happily.

"Yeah! I am thinking about asking Ash out." Larry said scratching the back of his neck. "I think that's great! You two would be such a cute couple." Sal complemented. "Hey don't say that! I haven't even asked her yet!" Larry said flustered. "Alright whatever you say. Now do you wanna play games?" Sal asked. "Hell yeah! I am totally gonna beat your ass!" Larry said and chuckled. "Sure, bring it nose guy!" The two teens laughed and played games.

Sal and Larry just finished a round of their game. "See I told you I would win!!" Sal said excitedly. "Oh shut up! Go suck a dick!!" Larry said annoyed. Sal's phone went off and it was Travis. "I just might!" Sal said and chuckled. Larry fake gagged and laughed. "So, what did your boyfriend say?" Larry asked. "He wants to meet up at a feild." Sal said looming at the text. "Oh ok well don't get murdered!" Larry said laughing. "Don't worry I won't!" Sal said putting on a sweater. "I'll be back. Stay here don't get kidnapped!" Sal said. "Can't promise that!" Larry said and Sal laughed before leaving.

Travis and Sal met up at an abandoned park. "Hey what's up?" Sal asked as he sat down by Travis. "Nothing to much I just wanted to hang out with you." Travis said while taking Sal's hand. Sal smiled under his prosthetic. "I'm shocked." Sal said out loud. "By me wanting to hang out with you?" Travis asked. "No, it's just hard to believe that we finally have our freedom." Sal said squeezing Travis' hand. "Yeah, your right. Now all we have to worry about is us." Travis said with a smile.

"I love you, Travis."

"I love you too, Sal."

[Ten years later] (3rd person)

Sal and Travis are still together and they plan to stay together for the rest of their lives. Travis is to scared to get married because he doesn't want to be in a relationship like his mother and father were. Sal is completely fine with that as long as the two stayed together. Spoiler alert; they do and always will.

Veronica tried dating, but it just didn't work out for her, so instead she works on her career of becoming a professional boxer. She is still very close friends with all of them even as they all got older.

Ash and Larry have been dating for a while  now and they have been talking about taking it to the next level. Ash is pregnant and Larry is very excited yet very nervous as well. Although they both know they will be great parents together.

Neil and Todd had gotten married when they were twenty two and adopted two beautiful twin girls. Their names are Saleena and Jasmin. They are living their best life together.

Chug and Mapel had a beautiful girl named Soda. They are both planning on getting married soon.

Hey guys! This is the end of the story. I would appreciate it if you guys told me what you thought of the story. Goodbye, my friends. I hope to see you guys soon. Have an amazing life, if we never meet again.

(I do also want to apologize that around the end of this series I started getting lazy with it and the chapters are really short.)

-Bri <3

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