Chapter 16: Back Stabber

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(Tw: homophobia)


She had at least three dozen pictures of the two holding hands and kissing. She took a deep breath and put them everywhere in the halls with words like 'weridos' and even a few slurs. She was going to ruin Travis' reputation just like Kenneth wanted her too.


Sal woke up to his alarm blaring and for some reason he had a weird feeling in his stomach. He wanted to stay home, but he knew he had to go to school. He turned off the alarm. Got up and stretched. He then threw on some clothes and got Gizmo some food. He pet Gizmo for a little while before he had to leave. He walked down and Larry was waiting for him. "Hey, little dude!" Larry said. As Sal walked over to him. "Hey, Larry. How's it going?" Sal asked as if he wasn't just at his place yesterday. "The usual." Larry said. Sal nodded and said "Of course."

This morning was peaceful, but the weird feeling in his gut made him nervous.


Travis woke up to his alarm and also Vee yelling at him when he didn't turn off his alarm. "Alright! I am going!" Travis said and she gave him a sweet smile from his bedroom door. "Thank you!" She said sweetly and went back to her room. He rolled his eyes and turned of his alarm and got dressed. He was tired. Not just physically, but he also felt like that Angie girl is like a vampire that sucks out all his energy or maybe he was just over stressing about the girl.

Veronica and Travis were both already at school before the rest of them came. "Hey what's up guys?" Veronica said happily. "Nothing to much just chilling." Larry said while Larry and Sal walked up. Sal noticed something going on with Travis and asked "What's wrong, Travis?" Travis snapped out of his thoughts and looked up to Sal. "Oh, it's nothing just thinking." Travis said. Sal nodded not believing him. On the feild from kids there were wispers and pointing. "Hey, am I the only one that feels like something is wrong?" Sal asked. Travis shook his head no. "I feel off too." Travis said. "Now that we're talking about it I'm nervous something bad is gonna happen." Veronica said. Larry shrugged. "I don't really know, but what I do know is that the bell is about to ring so we should go to class. Ash rolled her eyes. Then the teens went into the school not expecting what is about to happen.

As soon as they walked in it was everywhere. There were posters and pictures of Sal and Travis with slurs and negative words. Travis' world stopped. He loved Sal, but he was scared of people finding out because everyone knew his father. It doesn't matter that he is an adult if his father finds him he is dead. Before he knew it he was hyperventilating just thinking about his father and he ran to the bathrooms with tears falling down his cheeks. He locked himself into one of the stalls. He cried and tried to control his breathing while images and memories flooded his head with his father beating him. Sal eventually came in.

"Travis?" Sal called out. "Yeah?" Travis said.  "Are you ok?" Sal asked. "Y-yeah." Travis said his voice breaking. "What's wrong?" Sal asked. "The pictures." Travis finally gave in. "Yeah I figured. Is it because everyone knows we're together?" Sal asked. Travis nodded his head, but then realized that Sal couldn't see him. "Yeah.. it is." Sal couldn't help, but feel hurt. "Are you that embarrassed of me?" Sal asked his voice cracking."What!? No! It's just.." "It's what?" Sal asked you could hear the hurt in his voice. "My father." Travis said. "Why are you worried? Your not a minor so you can legally leave." Sal said not understanding. "Yeah, I know it's just that I am scared that he will find me. If he does he might litterally kill me." Travis said choking out into sobs. Sal must have finally understood because he said "Let me in Travis. I wanna help you."

The door unlocked and opened and Travis was met with Sal hugging him immediately he mumbled "Sorry, I forgot how scared you are of your father." Travis nodded and hugged him. "It's alright Sal-" Travis got interupted by the bell ringing meaning they were late to class. "We might wanna go, Sal." Travis said. "Are you sure?" Travis nodded and then they both went to their classes.

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