Ten - Timber

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By the time evening came around, there was a small party in my hotel room – animals and all. Everyone who was dear to me was present. More one-on-one time would have been preferable but for the time being I would take what I could get. Katana sat with her head in my lap while I scratched her behind the ears. In true cat fashion, I was being shunned for the time being by Shuriken. I'd make up for my absence later.

Everything was perfect. Then it came time to say goodnight.

Mom gave me a suffocating hug. "I love you, sweetie. Remember to relax and take care of yourself."

"Okay," I said softly. I was still struggling with how to convince her and Dad to join me on Salvation. Taking a page from Paul's book, I didn't mention it again because if I did, I'd probably try to start a debate. The whole thing would have ended badly.

Instead of causing a fight, I pulled back from her, kissed her forehead and smiled. "I'll see you tomorrow night?"

She gave me a small smile and a nod. Good enough for me. After the press conference, I was being taken back to the ship. That evening there was a designated pick-up time for the rest of my family and friends. If she showed up, saw how serious and real the whole situation was, it might convince her to change her mind.

Dad hugged me close and also gave me a kiss. We were affectionate, but the kisses tended to only happen on special occasions. "I love you. Be careful."

"Love you too," I said quietly. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Timber..." He sighed.

"At least to say goodbye one more time," I insisted. "I'm not ready for that right now." Nor would I ever be.

He didn't respond, only gave me a smile and rubbed my back. "All right, I can respect that."

And without another word, they left. Nathan and Talia still remained.

"I'm going to get ready for bed," she said, kissing my cheek.

"The stuff you wanted, Lia, is in the bag with Shuri's stuff," Nathan called out from the other room of the suite.

I raised an eyebrow. "Okay, I want to know how you got into her place to begin with. Since you came from there and all."

"I have a key," Nathan stated. "Don't freak out about it. I had to play house for both of you. Her life didn't just stop after you left. Someone had to help take care of her and your pets while you were away and she was working."

It was hard to not read too much into his words. Logically speaking, it made sense. He and Talia were friends too. I should have been happy he was so willing to step up and do what he could to make things easier for her and my family. The stress of my going missing was evident in the way he sat hunched up in his chair looking all kinds of exhausted. There was a different kind of wear and tear around his eyes. When we saw each other again for the first time, the one thing I noticed most of all was relief.

Slowly, I walked over to him, and took a seat nearby. "I wasn't going to freak out."

"Please, you so were," he mumbled. "I know you and your overactive imagination. You should also know me. There is no way I would have tried anything with her."

Hearing him say it out loud didn't help much. It would have been better to just let the subject drop rather than listen to him deny it. Not to say I didn't believe him, I did, but the thing he was most right about was my overactive imagination. In my head, I could put together all kinds of possibilities and scenarios until I found one that made the most sense to accept as my temporary truth. Before he said anything, I had simply been curious. The more he spoke, the more ideas were planted into my head. Talia taking an interest in my best friend hadn't even been on my radar until he mentioned having a key to her place so he could help take care of her.

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