Thirty-Five - Chevelle

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"You're sure you want to do this?" Paul asked. "Because I can find out on my own and report back to you."

Timber nodded. "I need to be there."

We were on our way down to see Rumor and get some answers as to what happened to Talia. There was no doubt in either of our minds that she was the one behind everything. After Timber caught her in the act of abusing her child, Rumor vowed to get revenge. It seemed like she succeeded, but how far did it go? Was Talia dead or simply missing?

Technically, I didn't need to come as well, but Timber needed emotional support. No offense to Paul, but he sucked at being a shoulder to cry on, so to speak. He could fake sympathy, but he was too involved in the Achlivans' way of life to react like a normal human being anymore. The guy needed to get his head out of their butts so he could see what was really going on sometimes.

Besides, I wanted to know. I wondered if Timber was thinking along the same lines as I was. If he didn't go himself, how long would he have to wait for some kind of an answer? Would Paul lie and say he was "working on it," and then leave us on baited breath for days on end? Because I wondered if that's what he did with Wicken's situation. Either that, or he was hiding something from me.

Most importantly, I understood Timber's need for closure on the situation. He and Rumor had a lot of unresolved issues. The timing concerned me. He just lost his parents, and he had a lot of anger toward her. I wasn't sure how far he would take his rage, and I didn't trust Paul to hold him back let alone calm him before he snapped. If Timber freaked out on her and assaulted her, he'd get thrown in the Pit. I'm sure of it. By being able to keep him relaxed, to a degree, I could prevent that from happening.

Paul's gaze moved between Timber and myself. "Remember, no matter what she says to get a rise from you, you must not lash out on her. She is still a woman, and the Achlivans will not look kindly on you harming her...even if it is deserved."

"I know," Timber said, his voice so cold I shivered.

"What about me?" I asked.

"Hmm?" both guys asked me at the same time.

I pointed to my check. "What about me? Would I get in trouble?"

"In theory, no," Paul said. "You're a woman, a Surface one at that. If you were to, hypothetically, see the need in harming her, you would not be punished because the Achlivans would trust your judgment. However, I'm not sure I would recommend it. Rumor is already in punishment. She has little to lose. I do not see her holding back should you attack her first. She would make sure you no longer had any ties to Wicken."

My hands instinctively went to my stomach. She had to know about the baby. Hello? She knew everything, even down in the Pit, otherwise she wouldn't have found a way to go after Talia.

Timber put an arm around me. "If she comes after you, I'll make sure to throw myself in the way and take the brunt of it. Then I will definitely not hold back on her."

"That would be acceptable," Paul said in barely more than a whisper.

I gazed up at him and gave him a small smile. "Don't worry, I don't have any intentions of picking a fight. I just make no promises either." Mad was an understatement. If I wanted to grab her by the hair and throw her into a wall, I couldn't imagine how Timber was feeling.

Paul took us through the back hallways of the apartment and to an elevator. There was an elevator to the Pit? That would have been nice to know when I was visiting Wicken. Any time I had gone down there, I had to walk down a million flights of stairs, or hike through The Garden's more thick areas of forest. I suppose access to the elevator was just another of Paul's wonderful perks.

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