Fifty-Eight - Timber

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By now, you know what's happened to us. I predict a few different responses to hearing the news. One would be unmentionable grief, and another uncontrollable anger. Both of those are warranted. I'm not going to pretend that what we did was the best option. There were probably a few different paths we could have taken rather than take our own lives.

Could we have joined you on the ship? Of course, and perhaps you were right. There may have been a chance for these aliens to heal your father and we could have lived together. Life is full of so many "what ifs." After speaking with Paul, he seemed to think the chances of your father being completely healed were not as good as you assumed. Cancer is an unpredictable beast, and he is tired of fighting against it.

His last wish was having peace in his heart over what happened to you. He got what he wanted, and has lived a full life. We both have, and that is why we couldn't take the spot on the ship. There are so many who haven't had the same opportunities as we have, and so many younger who have a lot to offer our species. So many lives that aren't as full as ours.

We didn't want you to worry about us on Earth when it was hit, or have you wondering if we were suffering in our last moments. That is why we decided to take matters into our own hands, and leave in a peaceful, comfortable way. While it's a hard pill to swallow, it's important to us that you have closure as you enter into your next adventure. You can be angry and hate us. At least you know without a doubt what has happened to us. Hopefully, you'll understand.

We love you, and along with this letter, here are some of our favorite memories that we've all shared together. We're both proud of you and know that you will always do what is right for the betterment of mankind.


Mom and Dad.

I read the letter a few times, taking in all of the words and trying to make sense of them. Logically speaking, I followed along well. My heart still ached all the same. The anger and frustration I felt before was softened, but not gone completely. This was going to take time, no matter how I wanted to rush through all of the stages and just move on. Too much was going on for me to keep harboring everything inside of me. Moving on just wasn't an easy thing to do.

The pictures weren't something I was ready for, so for the time being I tucked them away with the letter in the nightstand by the bed. If anyone tried to take them from me in the middle of the night, there would be no holding back.

"Yo, Tim! Paul's here for you," Nate hollered from the other room.

Rolling off of the bed, I made my way back to everyone else. Lara and Nathan were on the couch. She was looking at some kind of book about horses, and he was playing a game. Talia was in my chair, spread out with her eyes closed. It'd been an emotional day, so I wasn't surprised to see her ready to pass out. Paul was standing in the doorway.

"You can sit down," I said. "It's okay."

"I don't intend on being here for long. What I need is your opinion, and then I will let you return to helping everyone settle in." And by everyone, of course, he meant Talia.

I nodded. "Sure, what's up?"

"If we could speak in the hallway, please?"

"Um...all right." I stepped out the door with him, curious as to what he was going to ask me. No one else was allowed to hear it, which meant it had to be a big thing.

Paul frowned, also not like him. "I'm having some inner turmoil over an issue. There has been a great deal of debate as to what will happen with Rumor. She has made some strong alliances on this ship which has allowed her to do things that are concerned treason."

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