On the hunt

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3rd person POV:

As Neuvillette was sleeping in his room, he heard a knock come from the door. He got up, rubbing his eyes. He quickly put on his casual outfit and turned the door knob, revealing Clorinde.

"Monsieur Neuvillette. I hope I am not a bother at this hour, but we just had another evildoer. May I come inside and discuss the matter with you?" Clorinde said, and Neuvillette made a gesture.

"If this means explaining the problem, then yes." He said. 

"The case..." started Clorinde, walking towards the seat in front of her, "We were just informed that 2 women had snuck into the National Museum of Fontaine. We recognized one person. Her name was Vaitiare Yarenda... The other lady was un-identified. Her reaction to the killing was quite a scene. She smirked like she enjoyed it. We now can concede that she is the mastermind."

"Is there more?" asked Neuvillette.

"Yes... They managed to steal the Sacred tear and this has caused a huge problem for us. Vaitiare now has access to the HydroGun. They must've prepared this plan for a long time, because we no longer know where they are. They won't be out of the city and we'll catch them soon. I'll contact the Spina di Rosula and see if they can help. I also will inform the nation, along with the Fortress of Meropide." she finalized. 

Neuvillette pauses, thinking about this problem. "I will contact Navia as well. Her skills, along the Spina are quite talented in catching people. Tell the guards to surround the city. They should know what those 2 look like." he concludes.

Egeria POV: 

I was trapped in the world of my imagination for as long as I could think of. Sirens were wailing, along with guards that were surrounding me. I felt heavy, bronze handcuffs put around my hands. 

Istaroth was leaving the scene as I was getting arrested. She seemed so... Happy.




I woke up in a pile of tears. I was sobbing and I saw Istaroth staring at me. She motions me to come down and we embrace each other. I cried in her arms as she stroked my hair.

"My child, were you having a bad dream?" she says, comforting me with her soothing voice.

"I-i'm the worst Archon ever to e-ever exist in t-this world! I killed my resident.. And now, nobody except for you, is by my side! I'm even on the wanted list.. And... I h-had a dream that y-you left me when I was getting a-arrested." I sobbed. Her wings curled around me

"Don't cry... We're almost there! After we land, we'll be safe. Let's go take the elevator" she says, reassuring me. 

Suddenly, she backs off, kneeling on the ground. Her eyes were full of distress, and they turn green. Her wings also glow a light shade of green as well. After a few minutes, the green disappears and she grabs my hand and walks out. Her breath was heavy, and I was shook to the core. She hugged me and smiled. It was such a relief.

"It's alright! I just see through the eyes of different people. It's just.. I wasn't expecting one.. But right now, we need to disguise ourselves.." she says, handing me a blue robe. 

I put it on and we walk outside. We tiptoe and the guards were all around in Sumeru. One of the guards pointed at me, suspecting something!

"It's the criminal! After her!" he yells

Istaroth grabs me by the waist and she flys for the skies. She flies away from the city and we reach the desert. It wasn't really that often that I was away from Fontaine. We walked in the unbearable heat and oh my archons... Sand was getting in my shoes and it was definitely uncomfortable!

"Ooooooooohhhh! A dead archon visiting the place she died! Oooooooooooooh yeaaah" Istaroth says.

"Shut uppppp already. I mean- HOW DO I MAKE YOU SHUT UP" 

She just smiled and said nothing. Looking dumb. 

She just smiled at me and said nothing else. Looking dumb👍


heyoooo people :D

so basically, this chapter was written by me... the one and onlyyyyyyy! 

btwww the story line is still written by the OG author

so like enjooyyyyyyyyy

(Hu Tao speaking: Dayum, IStaroth has so much personalitlies....)

('A thousand faces in a thousand places, do you know the answer.....?')

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