Authors Note/Welcome!

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If you want to skip ahead to the stories go ahead, what do I care? 

Hello Hello! You wanted crack fanfiction? We have the finest of the finest crack fanfiction to offer here! Each of these short fanfics were made by a collaborative effort of college students on their last braincells, also under the pressure of a 3 minute timer! The results? Some of the most glorious and dumbest fanfiction to ever have graced the internet. 

We're also open to character requests! Want a certain character to possibly be featured in one of these? Let me know! 

DISCLAIMER: These fanfictions are high quality crack,  so don't take these seriously at all. Theres' some cussing sprinkled throughout and some fanfictions might have a lot of swearing while some are squeaky clean! Be warned! 

This will be continuously updated! 

Hope you enjoy! 

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