Crack Gordon Ramsay x reader

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Don't take this seriously at all pretty please!

Gordon Ramsay flipped his nose up at the dish, his face contorted in disgust. "This is utter shit," he announced.  

"Mr Ramsay, please stop insulting my food. It's just pasta and sauce from a can I'm just trying to be nice." Y/N pleaded. 

It's been almost a month since Gordon and Y/N moved into a small cramped apartment together but it's all a broke college student can afford, and Gordon doesn't fucking care that it's all Y/N can afford. 

"But there's so much more you can do with what little you have! And I'm a multi millionaire so if you need the money I can just give you it!"

Oh wait, you've got money?" Y/N stared, dumbfounded. 

"Yes! We could get out of this shitty apartment! Maybe rent a place in California?" 

"But my college is right here." 

"Oh for Fucks sake," Gordon groaned.

Y/N just kinda stood there, shrugging. "Hey, can you not say those kinds of words? My mom would be really mad if she finds out." 

Chef Ramsay shook his head with disgust. "I will speak however I fucking want to." He looked really mad, and when his face turned red it meant he was about to turn into Ghost Rider because I decided that Gordon Ramsay is actually Ghost Rider.

 "G-Gordon senpai," Y/N stuttered, Calm down!" But it was too late.

 Gordon got so mad that his head erupted into a ball of sharp flames, what was once his head now a skull levitating in the heart of the inferno. Y/N stood and cried as Ghost Rider Gordon Ramsay left and rode away on his sick ass motorcycle.

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