Polar Express Conductor on Trial: The Law & Order Hoolyday Special

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Yeah I know it's spring at the time I'm posting this but I really don't care

Three weeks ago the Polar Express Conductor was kidnapping children to take them to the North Pole, now he was on trial for murder. 

The Polar Express Conductor shifted in his seat, Judge Judy called him to the stand. The prosecutor, Lord Farquad, glared daggers at him. 

"Mr. Polar Express Conductor, did you commit vehicular manslaughter and murder that possum?"

"No sir, I am innocent. There are no possums around during the winter and that's the only time when I can be found." the conductor said.

"Alright... If that's the stance you want to take," said Lord Farquad. "With that I call my final witness to the stand...the possum."

Two men walked in carrying a board with the dead possum lying on it. They dumped it unceremoniously on the witness stand.

"Sir, do you swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth?" said Lord Farquad. The possum just groaned.

When the possum groaned, it sounded like "guh." 

The possum was questioned relentlessly. Woodford Newton, the conductor whose name I just googled, broke into a nervous sweat.

"Guh," said the possum again. 

That was all the evidence they needed. The possum had provided a damning amount of evidence that Judge Judy couldn't help but deem as the dirty details regarding this case.

Woodford Newton was sentenced to death by firing squad.

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