Willy Wonka/Godzilla Crossover Nonsense

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Willy Wonka was just chilling in his chocolate factory with his Oompa Loompas making chocolate.

Suddenly there was screaming coming from outside, Willy looked out a window and saw that it was Godzilla going on a rampage!

The Oompa Loompas sang "oompa loompa doopity doo, I got a baaaad feelin' 'bout you." And they danced around the factory, creating a magic force field.

Godzilla did not appreciate being left out of the magic. He whined and scrabbled against the forcefield like a sad dog. The Oompa Loompas looked at each other real sad-like. Maybe Godzilla wasn't that bad!

Willy Wanker told them to stop the force field and let Godzilla in. Unfortunately, what they didn't know is that Godzilla wasn't just any dog. 

Godzilla was a pit bull, and he was hungry.

 Godzilla said "Waiter! More children please!" and he ate all the Oompa Loompas like a pit bull would eat a buffet of toddlers. Willy jerkoff was aghast. He had found people willing to work for less than minimum wage and Godzilla had just taken all his hard work away from him.

"How could you?!" cried Willy Wonky.

"Rawr :3" Translation: ily

"Oh well, I guess that's ok then." Willy Wonrker said.

Since Willy's Oompa Loompas were eaten, he couldn't build the Willy Wonka chocolate experience in Glasgow, Scotland. He had to move onto plan B. Scamming people. 

"Here's the deal, you help me scam parents and I won't press any charges for eating my workers."

 "Rawr!" Translation: Deal!

They made the whole thing inside an abandoned warehouse and made a few props, then used AI to advertise the shithole and make it look good. They hired two actors to play Oompa Loompas since they all died and then gave them meth lab equipment so they could make jelly beans and lemonade for the children, but they would only get ONE jelly bean instead of the promised chocolate.

Alongside the unknown, Godzilla traumatized children so badly and even ate some of them. The experience was so bad that the parents had to call the cops. 

Willard Wilbur Wonka was promptly arrested for fraud and 2nd degree murder. He was sentenced to a lifetime in prison. 

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