Papa's Ratatouilleia

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One day the Chicago rat crawled up out of the sidewalk where he lived. He left behind a rat shaped dent. Unfortunately he left today's rat hole outside of a Papas restaurant.

"Oh no! How am I going to pay to fill this hole?" said Papa Louie.  The rat said nothing. "You'll have to work for me and pay off your debt. Do you know how to make ratitui? You owe me 1 million dollars!"

 Papa threw the rat a uniform and told him to "go make a that rartatori." the Chicago rat was NOT good at his JOB!!!!!!!!! Papa Louie was awwww so sad :(

SO Papa Louie took the Chicago rat to the warehouse on the water for the shipping company in the shady neighbrood? He takes him there, TO BE MURDERED!!! Papa Louie has ties to the mafia I've decided now because i think that would be an interesting plot point for a Papa Louie game. How can he manage so many restaurant chains????  Think about it please for me... please baby <3

Then papa Louie tied the rat to a chair and turned the lights off ominously, suddenly a spotlight shined directly in the rat's eyes.

"WHERE'S MY MONEY?!" said Louie.

"I DONT A-KNOW!!" the rat said in a surprisingly Italian voice.

"WHERE'S MY MONEY?!" repeated Louie.

Suddenly, there was a loud BANG! on the warehouse door. They walk over to the door and open it, its Pyro from TF2!!! Pyro then proceeds to burn the whole place down. then the sun explodes.

Guys this is so bad but we only had 3 minutes help :(

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