Springtrap the Impostor

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The Red Among us crewmate was feeling a little suspicious of the new guy. He was seeming to slack off on some of his tasks, and for some reason he smelled like a rotting corpse. Yeah Springtrap was totally sus. The Red Among us guy pushed the button and called for a meeting.

"What do ya want, Red?" The Black crewmate said with a cigarette in his mouth. 

"Oh my god you can't smoke on the ship, I literally have a child." said the Red crewmate, shielding his kid behind his back and glaring daggers at his fellow amogie (their species). Springtrap seemed relieved at the beginning of the argument, perhaps as if Springtrap really was the impostor? But nobody noticed as he egged them on. 

"Y'know, second-hand smoking is a serious thing." spoke Springtrap.

 Red fumed and pointed to the yellow rabbit. "See? Even this asshole knows it's dangerous."

 "He's probably planning to kill all of us!" Black huffed. Springtrap held his hands up in defense.

"Woah woah, I'm not sure what you're thinking, but it sure ain't what I'm thinking," Springtrap placated, hoping the knife he had hidden between his tense buttcheeks would stay. He seemed to easily escape everyones radar as they continued. 

Red turned his attention back to black. "First you smoke," then you accuse the FATHER of MY CHILD of murder!" The crowd of crewmates erupted into chatter. Springtrap was shocked.

 "What- what do you mean??" Springtrap stuttered.

 "I mean what I SAID," Red barked. Springtrap flinched. 


"Yeah, well, you never fucking ASKED, FUCKWIT!" 

"If I knew I had a son, I would have KILLED HIM IMMEDIATELY!"

 That's when the ship went completely silent. 

"What did I say!" commented Black, scanning their eyes over the crowd. "A killer is Among Us, and it's him. He doesn't even try to fit in. look at how he's dressed!"

 Now that everyone looked closer, Springtrap did really look like an impostor among a bunch of crewmates. He was ejected and died in space (again).

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