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Next morning.....

Jungkook wake up early and site on bed and rubbed his eyes and then looked at jungmin and then kiss him on cheek and smiled and said. " Good morning baby. " But jungmin is sleeping peacefully. He stand up and go inside the bathroom for take a warm shower. It's raining outside today early morning. Tae also wake up and and take shower. Both come out from their own room. " Good morning." Tae said him. He look at him and smiled. "Good morning tae. " He said. " Is Jungmin wake up." Tae asked. "No he is sleeping. " He said. "Hmm okay today you will make breakfast and I am going to get him up. " Tae said and go inside jungmin room. Jungkook look at him and smiled and go inside kitchen to make breakfast.

20 minutes later

Jungkook finished cooking food and food place on the dining table. tae and jungmin both come in while giggling.
Jungmin look at jungkook and run towards him and hugged him. Jungkook pick him up and looking at him with smile. " Good morning baby." Jungmin said and kiss him. "Good morning. " Jungkook said softly. Three of them site in chair and eating breakfast while jungmin talking about his school teacher. Suddenly Tae get excited to see that teacher and clear his throat. " Jungmin what's his name. I..I mine your teacher." Tae asked jungkook and jungmin both wide there eyes and eyebrows and looking at each other. Then they look at tae and smirked at him. " Why you both looking at me like this. I just want to know his name." Tae embarrassed and look away from them. "Ohhh hahahaha." Both jungkook and jungmin start laughing at tae. "Okay I don't want to know his teacher name. Huh.." tae said and pretend like he is eating. " No no tae tae uncle I will tell you his name." Jungmin said and smiled at tae. Tae smiled and get happy but jungkook interrupted. " No dada he doesn't want to know his name now so not tell him." Jungkook teas him. And tae glried at him jungkook coughing and Jungmin smiled and then look at him. " Don't worry appa. Uncle his name is Jung hoseok. And he looking so beautiful like my mama.." jungmin said and looking at his mama's photos hung on well. And smiled jungkook also smiled. " Thank you big boy. " Tae thanks him. " Why you thanks me I just said his name only." Jungmin said and looking at jungkook and both again smirked. "I..I. just want to say that. Okay okay let's eat Jun...I mine Josef have to go. " Tae said They laugh and eating breakfast with happily.

They finished their food and ready to go airport to drop jungkook. They reached airport and come out side of car. "Okay dada take care your and this tae tae bear okay." Jungkook said and hugging him son. "I will miss you appa." Jungmin said and tears rolled down from his chubby cheeks. Jungkook wipes his eyes and kiss him. "I also miss you baby and don't go outside alone. Only go with tae uncle." jungkook said and smiled. Jungkook put jungmin back and hugged tae. "Thank you tae and take care jungmin." Jungkook said and break hug and look at tae. " Don't worry and you don't have to say thanks. I think you thinking me as a outsiders. " Tae said. "No no you are my family tae." He said and again hugged him. "Okay I have to go now. Bye bye baby. Bye bye bam. Take care tae and their. Jungkook say bye them and walk inside airport. Jungmin hugged tae and crying lowly. "Why are you crying baby I am here with you all time. " Tae said and pick him up and site in car. "Okay Stop crying and tell me you want to get icecream." Tae asked and looking at him jungmin look at him and smiled and nodded. "Okay let's go." They left from there.

Three hours later...

Jungkook flight safely take off. Then jungkook come out from airport and their his hyung waiting for him. Jungkook wearing black Mask and Cap for hiding his face for some reason. "Namjoon hyung. " He said and hug him namjoon hugged him back. "Jungkook how are you." Jooni breck hug and asked him.

"I am fine hyung." Jungkook said and smiled.

"How is Jungmin and tae." Namjoon asked.

"They both are all fine." Jungkook said.

"Okay let's go some one waiting for you at home." Namjoon said and smiled.

" I know hyung that why I come here." Jungkook said sadly but happy that he see him after a long time. They both site in car and namjoon drove towards his house. After some time they reached at home They Both come out from car and go inside the house. Jin sitting in living room when he heard door open sound he looked there and stand up and run towards door happily and hugged jungkook. Jungkook also hug him tightly and get emotional. He really like jin. Because jin is one who saved him life and his two more lifes. And jin like his big brother and care them like their mom.

"How are you hyung." Jungkook said and smiled. "I am fine my baby brother." Jin said and smiled widely. "Okay come lets eat something you get hungry. " Jin said and dragged him towards dinning room. They eat their lunch and then they site in living room and talking about rendom stuff.
After some time jungkook come in his room and then he opened the Curtain
As the air passed by him. He take a deep breath and turned around and look at bed. Their is a man sleeping so peacefully on bed while those soft bangs moved because of air. The sleeping man's face was pale he is Jungkook's love of life and his husband. His chubby cheeks all gone and his lips were colourless. But his beautiful face enough for jungkook to breatheing.

Jungkook slowly walked towards his and site beside him on bed he looking at him sadly but smiled. Because he see his love after long time. Jungkook place a soft kiss on his forehead and smiled and closed his eyes and tear roll down from his eyes. Soon a drop of tears was on sleeping man's jaw. And it was clear that those tears were of jungkook's.

" Four years baby It's been Four years. And you are sleeping here peacefully huh?" More tears rolled down. " I know it's my fault but you know that girl her sisters her father her family how can I ignore them. But p.. please don't give me this big punishment. Please pl..pl.. please don't..." The more jungkook speak the more he Brock down. Jungkook always after two months he come Seoul and stay with him and site beside him and talking to him. Jungkook know that his can't reply to him but he knows he can hear him. He spends his time with him and talking with him.

"Baby I miss you so much and you know our son always miss you and calling for you he always said that when mama come he will do this and that. He really wants you and I also want you. " Jungkook crying silently.
" Please wake up please please wake up. " Jungkook said while crying and hugged him softly.

No one knows that what happened to jungkook and his family. Only namjin and Suga and tae know what happened to them. Jungkook looking at him and tears rolled down from his eyes tears not in mood to stop. Jin come in room and put his hand on jungkook's shoulder jungkook wipes his tears and look at him behind jin namjoon standing. "Jungkook don't worry he will get well soon . Yesterday when he opened his eyes and I am so happy that he is finally wake up from coma after the four years and his first word is calling your name but then he again finated and sleep in coma . I don't know when he will wake up again but his condition is better than before." Jin said and site infort him on bed. Jungkook look at him and smiled. "Thank you hyung if you are not I can't think what will happen with him. Thank you hyung." Jungkook said and look at sleeping man's figure. Jin hold jungkook's face in his plam and look at him. "Jungkook you don't have to say thanks to me you know you are my lil brother. And also he is my best friend." Jin said and smiled. Jungkook nodded and looking at him and smiled. "Jungkook be strong for him and jungmin." Namjoon said and look at him. Jungkook look at him and nodded and smiled at namjoon.

After some time later namjin they left from there and Jungkook looked at him and then he sleeps beside him.

To be continued..........

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