💫 chapter.22💫

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In car...

jungkook driving slowly while looking on road. Then suddenly his eyes catch something like someone familiar boy walking in road side with his friends. It's already 11:30 pm. Looking like the boy is drunk and not walking properly his friends helping him. Jungkook then stopped his car infront them and come out but suddenly his eyes wide opened by looking at the boy is non others then he is jimin who is fully drunk and behaving like little kid.

" Jimin don't do that, we said not drink this much but now look what happened to you." His friend scolding him but jimin is giggling. Jungkook walk toward jimin and suddenly called his name.

" Jimin." Jungkook called and Jimin's friends looking at him with shocked face. " Oo Mr Jeon you here? We not see you. What are you doing here." Jimin's friend said to jungkook." What happens to him. " Jungkook said while walking towards jimin and cupped his face and looking at him. Jimin just smiling and try to open his eyes as possible. " What happens to him Why he is drunk." Jungkook asked to jimin's friends. " Today is our friend's birthday and he give us party. And the party in club and there jimin get drunk we said him to not drink this much but he not listening and now this." His friend said and suddenly jimin hugged jungkook. " Oo I miss my boyfriend so much. Who are you? You look like my kookie and also smell same." Jimin said in drunk voice while giggling and looking at jungkook and again hug back. Jimin's face his cheeks, nose whole pink and looking like cute doll. " But now what we do. If warden or someone know about this in hostel and know about jimin is drunk then we all get throw out for whole one month from college." His friend said worriedly while looking at jimin who hugging jungkook and his hands around jungkook's nack and others also looking at him.

" Don't worry I will bring jimin today with me you all go back." Jungkook said will looking at them. And now they take breath in peace. " Thank you so much sir." They said all together and jungkook nodded and they left from there. Suddenly jimin remove his hands and running on road while laughing and jungkook wide his eyebrows but before jimin run others sides jungkook run behind him and catch him in his arms and picked him up in bridal style.

" Oo my boyfriend "hiccups" also pick me up same."hiccups" If my boyfriend "hiccups" Know about that "hiccups" you pick me up in your "hiccups" arms he will breck "hiccups" your hands." Jimin said in his cutely voice and jungkook smiled looking at his cute baby. " Oo really what if I breck his hand." Jungkook said. " Then I will "hiccups" hit you on your "hiccups" head but you "hiccups" can't  "hiccups" do anything to "hiccups" my kookie he is not a normal "hiccups" person he is a police "hiccups" officer general commissioner "hiccups" Mr Jeon jungkookie my bunny baby. Hiihiihi." Jimin said while giggling. Jungkook laughing and walking towards his car.

Jungkook then put jimin in his car and Also sit on driving seat. He then look at jimin who sleep already. Jungkook smiled and kissed him on his forehead and looking at him.
" Baby I will not let you drink alone. Because you are so cute when you get drunked. And i don't want to anyone take advantage on you." Jungkook said and then start his car and drive towards his house.

After some time jungkook stopped his car infront his house. His parents already had slept because it's almost midnight. Jungkook come out from the car and go to jimin side and opened the door and picked jimin in bridal style and closed the door but jimin suddenly opened his eyes and looking at jungkook and then laughing. Jungkook look at him and smiling because jimin behaving like little kid.

" What happened baby." Jungkook asked while walking inside. Jimin just giggling when jungkook entered in his house jimin suddenly shouting. " Help me this man who looking like my boyfriend is kidnapping me." Jimin said loudly while wiggling in his arms jungkook eyes widened and looking around and then cupped jimin's mouth. " Shuu baby it's me your bunny baby no any kidnapper. And you are in my house." Jungkook whispered slowly but suddenly jimin bite him and jungkook shoutout loudly. " Ahhhhhh" jungkook looking at jimin who is wiggling in his arms to get free. Jungkook Just walking towards his room but suddenly someone called him from behind.

" Jungkook what happened." Mrs Jeon said while coming towards jungkook
but suddenly her eyes fall on Jimin who is looking at her cutely. " Oo my mom." Jimin said in his druck voice cutely. Mrs Jeon imidently know that jimin is drunk and looking at jungkook who is embersed because of Jimin's behaviour.

" Oo is he is druck huh.?" She asked and jungkook nodded. " Is you.." she about to ask that jungkook made him drink but jungkook said no. " Hmm go and sleep bcz he is feeling really tried and really looking so cute." She said and smiled. "Okay mom and sorry and good night." Jungkook said and Mrs Jeon smile. "Oo why are you sorry it's okay but don't take advantage on him." She said and winked at jungkook but who smiled playfully. " Okay mom." Jungkook said and both left for their room.

Jungkook come in his room and gently made jimin sleep in bed who already sleep jungkook really confused because jimin sleep fast and really next minute he wake up. Jungkook go inside bathroom to take shower after some time he come out only in his shorts and sleep another side of bed and pull jimin close but suddenly jimin stand up and remove his shirt. " Woow wow baby what..What are you doing baby." Jungkook said little hesitant.

" It's hot." Jimin said and just sitting on bed while eyes are had closed and pouting cutely. Jungkook smiled and site on bed and grebed the AC remote and on the AC and said " now it's fine." Jungkook said and looking at jimin who opened his eyes after feeling cold air and smiled. " Yes." Jimin said cutely and smiled. Jungkook smiled back.

Suddenly jimin pushed jungkook in bed and hovered on him jungkook shocked what is jimin is doing. Jimin looking at him while giggling and kissed him on his nose. And then sleep on jungkook's chest while hugging. Soon Jungkook heard sleeping sound of jimin. Jungkook look up at jimin face who's face is fully pinky and looking so beautiful and angle while sleeping.

Jungkook smiled and kissed him and then hugging him up on his chest and then jungkook also fall in sleep.

To be continued....

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