The Gobbowl Inferno Part 3

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The crowd is cheering wildly as the pink eliatrope waits patiently to see who is going to play, because it is obvious that the players of Real Gobbly cannot continue. She does keep petting Midnight though.

Jactance: Welcome to the unbelievable 8th division final which brings two generations of players face to face: an invigorated Lamechester United battling for the trophy against wobbly old Gobbly! Let's have a look at some of the action from the first two quarters. For starters the two teams chowed down on a salade of bruises, clouts, and whacks, accompanied by a nice knuckle sandwich! And for the main course, it was a recipe for disaster after disaster for Real, but Lamechester spiced things up with their virtuoso performance! Our esteemed audience decided Real hasn't satisfied their hunger and so sent them back for a second helping of crashes, bangs, and wallops! So, which of the two teams will have room left for dessert and carry off the 25,000 kama prize? Lamechester United, who seem hungrier than ever? Or Real Gobbly, who are already doubled over with indigestion? We're about to find out.

The crowd cheers and the pink eliatrope narrows her eyes, her hat ears twitching.

~~with real gobbly~~

Eniripsa: I'll get you back on your feet, sweety! Don't worry, it won't hurt a bit!

The enirpisa points her broom at Posho, shocking him as our heroes look downtrodden, sad for their fallen comrades. Ruel then stands up.

Ruel: Real Gobbly never abandons a game! Never! Yugo, Amalia, Evangelyne, get ready to put on the Real Gobbly uniform! Y/ just stay put as a cheerleader!

Y/N, sweatdropping: Somehow, I'm fine with this....You three be careful out there! You saw how Lamechester United was!

Eva, smiling softly: Don't worry Y/N, we will be fine.

Yugo, nodding: mhm! We will be fine! Just keep rooting for us!

Y/n sighs and nods, Az flying onto their shoulder.

Y/N: alright.

Toot: You can't send those kids out! They'll be slaughtered!

Calben: Yeah, they may be younger but they'll get massacred! We'll go back out!

Ruel, putting his hand out: That's enough! You don't argue with your captain's decision! You played very well, but sometimes you have to pass the baton to guarantee victory!

Toot, tearing up: Oh, Ruel.

~~mini timeskip~~

Jactance: And we're off! Real are suffering but they're not going to give up easily! It seems some dancers have taken to the field in place of Real's ancient trio of clodhoppers.

The heroes run out into the field, with Y/N and Az cheering them on. Yugo is blushing because Y/N gave him a kiss on the cheek and wished him luck before he went out onto the field.

Jactance: What is the world coming to?!

One of Jactance's assistants hands him a paper and he reads it quickly.

Jactance: Evangelyne, 17 years old, Cra, blocker. Amalia, 13 years old, sadidette and receiver. Yugo, 12 years old. Who wrote this? It's utter nonsense! Nicknamed the Aristo-cra by the regulars in the Bowman's Arms, she's swapped her waitress apron for a professional Gobbowler's outfit! She gets right to the point and never misses the mark! I call her Evangelyne, you can call her the Arrow!

Eva looks done with life and the pink eliatrope in the stands tenses, looking out onto the field with a sharp gaze. Yugo then shivers slightly, feeling someone's peircing stare.

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