Family Tree pt.4

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Should I just give up at this, I won't. I'm almost done. I got the royal trio to do, and then Nora and that *should* be easy


Maiden: Ritual

Current: Kony

Gender: female

Age: Dofus

Parents: Goddess Eliatrope, Great Dragon

DS: Pharis

Brothers: Yugo, Adamai, Efrim, Qilby, Glip, Baltazar, Chibi, Grougaloragran

Sisters: Nora, Shinonome

Uncles/Aunts: none

Mate: Luli

Children: Rade, Laha, Evelyn


Current: Kony

Gender: male

Age: dead

Parents: dead

DS: dead

Siblings: dead

Uncles/Aunts: dead

Mate: Mina

Children: Rade, Laha, Evelyn


Maiden: Kony

Current: Duncan

Gender: female

Age: 7,868yrs old

Parents: Mina, Luli

DS: eliatrope parents

Siblings: Rade, Laha

Uncles: Pharis, Yugo, Adamai, Efrim, Qilby, Glip, Baltazar, Chibi, Grougaloragran

Aunts: Y/n, Nora, Shinonome

Mate: Donald

Children: Dale, Mollie


Current: Duncan

Gender: male

Age: 7,868yrs old

Parents: Lacey, Isabelle

DS: Jerome

Siblings: none

Uncles/Aunts: none

Mate: Evelyn

Children: Dale, Mollie

Current: Duncan

Gender: male

Age: 5,088yrs old

Parents: Donald, Evelyn

DS: eliatrope parents

Siblings: Mollie

Uncles: Dewey, Arthur

Aunts: Rade, Laha

Mate: Lucy

Children: Monica


Maiden: Reynolds

Current: Duncan

Gender: female

Age: 5,088yrs old

Parents: Lervin, Amelia

DS: eliatrope parents

Siblings: none

Uncles/Aunts: none

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