Discussion of the Future

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A/n1: the only reason this is published this early is because I woke up and coudln't go back to sleep bc 1: I thought i'd heard a rat in my room and 2: I had to clean my room to make sure there wasn't any rats in it. With that being said, enjoy the chapter.

A/n2: This was originally going to be Cleome, but I decided this should have it's own chapter. Cleome will be out tomorrow. So, this chapter will be from the eliatropes and dragons pov. Here's a little refresher for you and the leaders of the tribes i mentioned in passing, and some new ones that I did genuinely forget to count. I'll do the total at the end of the chapter

Kovi: great grandson of Min. Leader of the Justice Mountain Tribe

Rema/Vanafe: daughters of Pharis. Leaders of the Canina Plains Tribe

Vivian/Lily: daughters of Grougaloragran. Leaders of the Lava Plains Tribe

Heva: daughter of Glip. Leader of the Bandit Plains Tribe

Lena: daughter of Chibi. Leader of the Snowy Mountains Tribe.

Ruri: daughter of Glip. Leader of the Roaring Plains Tribe

Tamara: daughter of Qilby. Leader of the Secret Garden Tribe

Jackie: daughter of Qilby. Leader of the Cloud Taiga Tribe

Clayton: son of Qilby. Leader of the Desolated Wilds

Gapha/Liro: son/daughter of Shinonome. Leaders of the Cursed Fountain

Vimei: Leader of the Tranquil Coast

Lovi: daughter of Baltazat. Leader of the Mesmerizing Hollows

Hina: daughter of Chibi Leaders of Little Acorn

Evelyn: daughter of Mina. Leader of the Boiling Savanna

Vesrad: son of Pharis. Leader of the Dire Glacier

Charlotte/Edwin: Leader of the Portmis Caps


The eliatrope and dragon council stayed in the sadida kingdom briefly to recharge, and then went back to their new home, the Heaven's Archipelago. At the current moment, they are in the meeting hall with the other tribe leaders. Qilby clears his throat, gaining everyone's attention.

Qilby: Can I have everyone's attention? Thank you. As you all know, me, Nora, Pharis, and Efrim had traveled to the Sadida Kingdom to meet with this worlds council of twelve.

Kovi, crossing his arms: hmmph...knowing the royals of this world, they probably put up a struggle, non?

Qilby: actually no. They were quite welcoming, even if curious. The only one's we had trouble with were the ones from Brakmar, who tried to stir up trouble by bringing up what happened in Brakmar a few days ago.

Kovi frowns, not liking that. Rema speaks up.

Rema: Uncle, do we have to worry about them? The others have been talking about this meeting not going well...

Qilby, nodding: We don't have anything to fear. We just need to be wary of Brakmar tried anything.

Nora, piping up: the royals were genuinely curious. Not the kind if curious that you want information for bad purposes, but rather the kind of curious that you genuinely want to know someone or something.

Vanafe, huffing: Vanafe does not like the fact that Brakmar tried something. Vanafe should burn Brakmar down!

Vivian: cousin, we cannot burn Brakmar down. Believe Vivian when she says she wants to as well. We can't because there are still innocents there.

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