Council part 1

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A/n: we are so fucking back. So here's the dealio. Underverse x Reader will be updated on Mondays, This book will be updated on Wednesdays, and either Digimon or Betrayed King will be updated Fridays. This means I have Tuesday, Thursday, and the weekends off. Now without further ado, let's get started!

Tw: self harm implications, crying, suicidal implications


It's been 3 months since Vespera had gotten sick, and the royal trio have managed to calm each other down for the most part so they don't snap at anyone. The remaining members of the council have forced the royal trio to go to school so they can make friends with people their age, and learn about their people more. It was jarring at first, but they got used to that...and in between school and their own free time, they check up on Vespera, take care of Amy, Angella, Aster, Sia, Sapphire, Cream, Lily, and Grougal and CHibi(but they have help with the other members of the council for that one), take care of the dofus, and then just hang out with the others of the council, which is what they are doing currently.

Y/n is leaning on Yugo, who is leaning against them while Adamai is leaning against Y/n, who has an arm around him. The trio are currently listening to Qilby rant/tell a story, and are abit amused, as are the other members of the council.

Qilby, exasperated: and then they spilled chemicals all over the place!

Nora, amused: Brother, we both know it was an accident

Qilby, sighing: I know...but with everything going on, I'm just stressed

Pharis, nodding: we all are, but Pharis has faith that everything will be okay

Baltazar, nodding: Baltazar agrees with Pharis. Things aren't as bad as they could be

Efrim, sweatdropping: usually when someone says that, something goes let's please not jinx it

Qilby just sighs and nods while everyone else looks amused. Chibi and Grougal, who are on the royal trio's lap, just snicker, causing the royal trio themselves to smile. Silence falls over the group, but it's more of a comfortable silence rather than awkward. The council just seems to be enjoying each other's presence, enjoying the fact that there isn't any danger...yet anyways. It's silent for a few minutes, nothing said, just enjoying the peace and quiet, and each other's presences.

Baltazar: Qilby, are we going to find our dofus? Baltazar knows you have yours and Shinonome's dofus.

Qilby, sighing: truthfully, I have been debating that with Shinonome, but we haven't come to an agreement yet. Shinonome sees my side of my reasoning, and agrees with me that our dofus should be brought back, but we haven't agreed on when we should.

Nora, understanding: because most of us are alive, there is either one twin in the dofus, or none. Me, Efrim, Yugo, Adamai, Y/n, Chibi, and Grougal are all alive, so no one is in our dofus, yet anyways...but you all have at least one twin in your dofus. Personally, I'd say on us trying to find our dofus so they don't get in the wrong hands. Things could end badly if they do, especially if someone manages to steal the eliacube

Pharis, nodding: Pharis agrees, but do we all know where the dofus are being kept? Pharis knows that the kings and queen know where Grougaloragran and Chibi's dofus is, as well as Qilby and Shinonome's dofus, but what about the others?

Baltazar: the others are hidden somewhere on this planet, but Baltazar does not know where they are

Efrim: we have the eliacube, we could check. If we don't want to find the dofus and bring them here now, then we could periodically check on them to make sure they are somewhat safe.

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