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Hey y'all, i'm gonna take a mini break from this story cause I got burnout from it. I'll still be working on my other stories, I'll just be taking a break from this one. I'll still answer comments you guys leave because you all mean a lot to me, so i'll leave some spoilers down below. Feel free to stop reading if you don't want any spoilers.

~~~Spoilers Start Here~~~

Spoiler 1:

During Bellaphone Island, Y/n gets very upset with Yugo and Adamai and doesn't talk to them for a week because of their own jealousy and the fact that they got lured in because of the siren spell

Spoiler 2:

During The Masked Gobbowler, Y/n and Adamai sit out during the game because 1. girls aren't allowed to play Brakmarian gobbowl, and 2. Yugo benched them from playing. The two do watch the gobbowl game, just from a pillar that is hidden away so they don't get caught. Rubilan is also with the duo to make sure they don't get caught, and have an exit path ready.

Spoiler 3:

In The Night of the Thristers, Y/n and Amalia are the only ones not to get turned into treechnids, so they bond over that. Yugo and Adamai meanwhile, try to reach them, and manage to nab Amalia, much to their dismay.

Spoiler 4:

During the Council of Twelve, we will get two perspectives. One with Y/n and the brotherhood, and the other with Qilby, the Eliatrope council, and the Royal council so we know what's going on.

Spoiler 5:

In the episode that would have been Phaerys the Mighty, we meet a dragon that looks a lot like Adamai, with some features that would be Y/n, if y/n was a dragon

Spoiler 6:

In the episode, The Eliatropes, it's not just the child Eliatropes in Emrub. It's also baby dragons in there as well, with Baltazar, and another dragon that looks suspiciously like Efrim.

Alright, that's all six spoilers. I don't want to give too much away after all. So, have fun with that knowledge! Bye and see ya soon!

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