Seren the Mighty

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The red portal in the sky crackles, lightning appearing around it as shushu's and a large pack of grim fall out of it, landing on the island. The brotherhood, seeing this quickly runs and catches up with the royal trio+Rubilan.

Eva: Yugo! Adamai! Y/n! Rubilan! Are you alright?!

Dally, nodding: yeah, that portal came outta nowhere!

Ruel: well, I say we try to leave before things get too tough.

Everyone gives Ruel and annoyed look. Ruel smiles sheppishly, looking to the side.

Ruel: well, maybe not...

Qilby sighs and shakes his head.

Qilby: the portal to the shushu crust has been open, and it appears the grim have allied themselves with them...the only question is all have been practicing your powers right?

Royal Trio/Rubilan, nodding: yup!

Qilby, nodding: good, because you'll need it. This won't stop until we close the portal.

Vespera and Seren share a glance and nod, knowing they won't be seeing each other again until this is over.

Seren: Seren and the others can help you all from above the ground. If we shoot into the portal, the shushu's won't be able to come through.

Vespera: but what about that star child? Someone has to get them!

Y/n, volunteering: I can get them. They'd probably trust me more since we come from the same place.

Everyone looks hesitant, but they nod, not having a better plan. Rubilan sighs and shakes dust off of her scales.

Rubilan: I can get you in there, but we have to be quick. The child will probably be guarded.

Y/n, nodding: mhm...and in case I don't come back somehow-

Y/n turns and kisses Yugo, and then kisses Adamai. The two get hella flustered and Y/n portals to Rubilan's head, dropping a bag next to the kings. Rubilan, who is still in dragon form, flies off towards the portal as the two kings finally recover, now seemingly desperate and scared.


Vespera, sighing: unfortunately, mother is stubborn when it comes to saving the best we can do now is cover for them and distract Rushu long enough so they can slip in and out.

Seren, nodding: Vespera is right. We have to fight. We can't leave our people like this.

Yugo and Adamai clench their fists, but nod, determined. Seren and Vespera then share a look, and turn to Yugo and Adamai.

Vespera: a dofus and eliacube combined would have enough power to go into the white dimension, and then keep that in mind while fighting.

The two kings nod, watching as their queen and Rubilan get closer and closer to the shushu portal.

~~with Y/n and Rubilan~~

The two watch as the eliatropes, dragons, and the brotherhood start to fight off the shushu's and grim, both of them feeling heavily concerned for their people. Rubilan glances up at Y/n, concerned.

Rubilan: aunt, are you sure you want to do this? Once we enter the shushu realm, there's no going back. We'd have to complete the mission.

Y/n, nodding with determination: I'm sure. I'm not letting an innocent child die.

Rubilan, sighing with a nod: very well, then let us do this, aunt!

Rubilan roars and gets closer to the portal, but this gets Rushu's attention.

The kings and queen(Yandere Wakfu x Reader) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now