Maybe Humans Aren't So Bad

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Y/n was looking around the city he was in curious on how he should get back to Hell.

Y/n:I can't really use instant transmission....can I?

He asked questioning his skill. He was cut off when he heard whispering.

Human1:Oh my gosh. Is he a furry?

Human2:I think. But I've never seen a costume that well done. Look even his tail moves!

Human1:That's some expensive equipment.

Y/n:Are they talking about my body?

He looked himself over and saw he was still in his demon form.

Y/n:Huh. I guess I do look a tad strange. This might cause a problem if they find out I'm a demon. Here let's try this.

Standing still he focused his ki on his body and suppressed his demon ki. In a puff the fur was gone and his eyes turned black once more. Looking at his hands he smiled seeing that he looked how he did when he was alive.

Y/n:It was that easy? Well now I won't have any trouble walking around now.

He said completely ignoring the stunned faces of the humans behind him. They had seen his transformation and looked him over seeing that apart from his now brown tail he looked normal. While walking he passed a church and a nun walked up to him.

Nun:Excuse me sir.

Y/n:Hmm? Can I help you?

Nun:Hi I work at the church and I can tell that you have been corrupted with unholy sin.


Y/n thought back to blowing up planets, killing leaders, and divulging into last with the various alien women.

Y/n:Yeah that seems about right.

The nun took his hand in hers as the woman gave him a soft and sweet smile.

Nun:Please come with me so we can purify this tainted soul of yours.

Y/n:Uh. Okay.

He was led to the church. The Nun grinned deviously as she didn't have plans to purify him at all.

Y/n:Woah. This is pretty impressive.

Nun:Yes our small church has grown so much thanks to the wealthy donations of the government.

Y/n:So this planet's government supports this religion?



Inside Y/n saw the massive establishment. Art, music, and the decor was beautiful.

Y/n:Is this what heaven is like? It's calm.

Nun:This way honey.

She said and Y/n was pulled along and was in a room that was dimly lit by candles and had the scent of honey. But there was also something else in the room.

Y/n:It smells wonderful in here.

Nun:I would imagine so. This room was made to counter sin. Now for the ritual.

She said and took off her veil revealing her long blonde hair and placed it down. She then began undoing her robe and then let them fall to the ground. Y/n was stunned seeing her skimpy underwear that was being eating by her large rear. She turned around showing her large breasts and nearly striking like bra.

Y/n:Wow. She looks so hot!

He said starting to become hard and grinned.

Nun:Now why don't you get out of those clothes and we can start.

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