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It was late into the night and Y/n was in Stolas's study along with the bird himself.

Stolas:Are you ready for this?

Y/n:Yes. I got all the shit you wanted. The camera, this weird ass map and this thing.

He held up a white orb that was glowing dimly.

Stolas:That "thing" as you put it is the most vital part of your travel. It acts like a beacon that will allow me to track your vitals and bring you back from where you are if you are in any danger.

Y/n:Oh. Alright then. Well I'll be off then.

Stolas:If you want I can make you a portal to the living world.

Y/n:Really? That'd be a huge help. But can I have a few minutes to get ready?

Stolas:Take all the time you need.

Y/n left and headed for Octavia's room. Knocking a few times he heard the groan of the girl and shuffling of bed sheets. Octavia opened the door rubbing her eye.

Octavia:Y/n? What are you doing here? It's 2 am.

Y/n:I just wanted to tell you I'll be going on a trip for a while.

Octavia:Oh. To where?

Y/n:Someplace far. But I'll try to be back within the week.

Octavia:This is very sudden. Is it a business trip?

Y/n:Yeah you could say that. I'll see you when I get back.

Octavia:Alright. I'll miss you.

Y/n:I'll miss you too.

The two kissed and Y/n went back to Stolas who opened a portal for him. Y/n stepped out into the human world this time he was in a different place than before. It was colder way colder thank anything he's ever felt before.

Y/n:Oh fuck! Why is it so cold?! Let's hurry up and get off this rock.

He surrounded himself in ki and took off into the air. The familiar heat touched his body as he activated his bubble again. This one was red in color this time since he wasn't suppressing his demon aura making it more effective. Flying into space Y/n passed the moon then the planets. Once he was out of range from the solar system he activated instant transmission and started moving at near light speed.

Y/n:At the speed I'm going I should be able to get to that star in a little under six days. But if I get close enough I should be able to use instant transmission to teleport there.

He vanished from sight and zoomed forward toward the star. Two days have passed and Y/n was still flying through the stars. Then he stopped and started to catch his breath.

Y/n:*huff*huff*O-Okay this should be close enough.

He closed his eyes and began to concentrate on the energy of the universe and then found the energy of his destination. Snapping his eyes open he teleported and appeared over the star. But what was most surprising was that it wasn't a star.

Y/n:It's a planet?! Ooh! That makes much more sense. Well it was either that or a white hole. Well let's go see the natives then after I get these pictures.

He took out the camera that Stolas gave him and snapped a few minutes of the planet and its three suns. After he was done he flew toward the planet and entered the breathable atmosphere.

Y/n:I can feel it. This place is filled with energy. But what is this familiar feeling?

He looks toward a part of the planet and senses a strong power. One that he hasn't felt in a while.

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