Arrival In Hell

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Two large royal doors were harshly open and a tall man walked in.

Y/n:Frieza is coming to kill us!

He yelled out in a royal hall and a man with tall spiky hair and a widows peak stood up and walked down.

King Vegeta:Stop spouting this nonsense. You're starting to sound like that low class saiyan Bardock.

Y/n:Well atleast he has some sense! Frieza has called all of the saiyans to Planet Vegeta to kill them! He doesn't see us as mere pawns anymore. He's afraid.

King Vegeta:That's enough boy. Leave and get these insane thoughts out of your mind.

Y/n:Tsk. I should have known you wouldn't listen. You never do....Father.

He said and turned and walked out. Gripping his hands hard enough to draw blood from his hands.

Y/n:That insane bastard! How can he not see the signs. Well I won't be around to see the destruction of the planet.

Y/n ran off and flew toward the take off stations. He had no problems with leaving the planet. After all his mother was dead and his father didn't want him due to him being weak. His father the King of all Saiyans had lied about his heritage and refused to call him his son. However Y/n didn't care though instead he trained hard enough to be considered high class.

Still Y/n never looked at the King like his father instead he saw him as a pest. Even now when he was one of the strongest he didn't want to be known that his strength was only due to his heritage he wanted his strength to be his own. His pride as a Saiyan wouldn't allow it to happen. Currently he was nearing the ships and landed and quickly headed to find a ship. Running inside and through the halls he ran past everyone there.

Y/n:Come on! I just need one ship then I'm off this planet!

He saw a ship preparing to leave and skidded to a stop. He opened the door but his access code wasn't working so he punched the lock and the door opened. He walked in and saw a baby boy in there. He was sleeping peaceful and Y/n sighed knowing what he wanted to do was wrong.


He walked out and welded the door shut. He watched as the ship took off and Y/n continued to look for a ship to leave. Finally he saw one that someone had just came out of.


He opened the door and saw the blue skinned alien walked out.

Alien:Ahh finally done with that-

Y/n:Are you done with your mission?

Alien:Huh? Oh yes I've just finished my-

Y/n:How much fuel do you have left?

Alien:I'm sorry?


Alien:A-A little over half.

He said and Y/n pushed him out of the way.

Y/n:That's more than perfect. Leave I'm gonna take off.

Alien:What?! You can't just take my ship!

Y/n:Watch me.

He said and entered and started up the ship. The alien sputtered before rushing out and closing the door sealing he hatch. The ship took off and Y/n was leaving the stratosphere and left the planet seeing the fleets of Lord Frieza incoming. He sighed in relief after he left their sight and let his body relax.

Y/n:Goodbye planet Vegeta.

He entered the coordinates of the planet he wanted to go to. One he had visited a while back. Planet Yardrat. But that was all stopped when his ship had exploded. In the distance a purple skinned alien watched with a smirk as Y/n was killed.

A Saiyan In HellWhere stories live. Discover now