Spring Broken

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It's been two days have passed since Namek exploded. Y/n and Goku were sparring on Planet Yardrat. The two had gotten along instantly since they both enjoyed fighting and testing one another they had fought almost all the time. Goku had taught Y/n some martial arts and Y/n taught Goku the way to transform into a super saiyan. Though his was different and cost lest power to use. Though a day had passed and Y/n was preparing to leave.

Y/n:It's been fun Kakarot.

Goku:Huh? Since when did you start calling me that?

Y/n:Since I heard Veggie call you that.

Goku:Wait you mean Vegeta?

Y/n:Hehe yep. Make sure to tease him with that. And be sure to practice your Instant transmission too.

Goku:I will. Make sure you keep up with your martial arts. Meditation goes a long way.

Y/n:Got it.

Goku:Oh and here.

He handed him a bean making him confused.

Y/n:And this is?

Goku:A senzu bean. You eat it and all your health and stamina are restored.

Y/n:Woah. And you're giving it to me?

Goku:Yep. We're friends after all right?

Y/n chuckled and held his fist out.

Y/n:The best.

Goku grinned and pounced his fist against Y/n's. Y/n pocketed the bean and surrounded himself in his pocket of survival. Then taking off into the air and flew toward the V-Earth with a smile. Y/n took out his phone and started calling Loona.

Loona:Hey what the hell?!


Loona:No fucking calls for days?! You know how worried I was?

Y/n:I can guess. But I'm heading home now.

Loona:Oh yeah now you wanna come back?

Y/n:Yeah. Aren't you gonna be happy to see me?

Loona:I will. But I'm gonna be a little pissed. So you're going to have to make it up to me.

She grinned as Y/n chuckled over the phone.

Y/n:You know it. I've also learned a few tricks that might...make things a little better.

Loona:Dammit. I'm horny now.

She said and Y/n laughed a bit.

Y/n:Well I'll try to hurry on home.

Loona:Send me a picture to hold me over.

Y/n:Sure thing.

He hung up and sent a quick picture of his bare chest to Loona. Y/n then called Octavia who picked up immediately.

Octavia:Hello? Y/n?!

Y/n:Hey Octavia. Just wanna let you know I'm on my way back.

Octavia:Really?! When do you think you'll be back?

She asked excitedly. Y/n thought for a minute and spoke to her.

Y/n:About three hours.

Octavia:Okay. I'll see you soon.

After hanging up Y/n used the light speed of Instant transmission and not the teleportation so he wouldn't have to stop and just move through space. Eventually he made it to the earth and cut the dimensions again and entered hell before closing it. Y/n flew to Blitzø's apartment and knocked on the door. Loona opened the door with a smirk and wearing a more revealing outfit. A black bra and black lacy panties.

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