First Assassin Job

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At I.M.P. Blitzø was moving around the office tidying up while growling in an incoherent language. Just then a small white haired Imp walked in looking at his boss.

???:Sir? What are you-

Blitzø:Not now Mox. I'm kinda busy here.

Moxxie:Uh I can see that gave us the day off...on a work day and that usually.

Blitzø:I have a very important meeting Moxxie and I don't have time for you villain right now!

He said while fixing up some pictures.

Moxxie:Well shouldn't you notify us if-

Blitzø:You know what?! Pick up a fucking broom of you wanna talk and sweep up this shit!

Moxxie:Yes sir.

He said and started sweeping up the dust in the room.

Moxxie:So...who's this guest?

Blitzø:None of your fucking business Moxxie just clean.

Moxxie:Oh okay sir....Must be some big demon for him to be so nervous. Oh wait is the prince coming here?!

Soon a knock was heard as Blitzø looked in shock. Moxxie walked over to the door but Blitzø picked him up and threw him across the room.

Blitzø:Stay the fuck out of sight!

He said and walked toward the door while straightening up. Taking a deep breath he opened the door revealing Y/n on his phone waiting. He looked up and smiled at Blitzø.

Y/n:Hey there. I'm here for the job you offered me.

Blitzø:Uh huh come on. Let's discuss this some more in my office.

Walking forward they passed a face planted Moxxie and Y/n looked at him.

Y/n:Who's that?

Blitzø:Don't worry about him. He wasn't even supposed to be here.


Now the two were in his office while Blitzø pulled out some papers.

Blitzø:Now then why should you join I.M.P.?

Y/n:I'm dating your daughter.

Blitzø:Another reason you fuckwit!

Y/n:Well I reviewed your ad and I'm positive that I can kill well.

Blitzø:Uh huh you know how many people have said that to me and died?


Blitzø:Exactly! Because they're fucking dead now! Now then what types of fighting style are you good at?

Y/n:Close combat mostly. I can also fight in the air.

Blitzø:In the air?

Y/n:I can-

Blitzø:Don't care I've already lost interest. Now for the most important part.

He tossed the papers away and stood up.

Blitzø:Are you prepared to risk your life for my Loonie?


Blitzø:Are you willing to kill for her?!


Blitzø narrows his eyes at Y/n before he smiled.

Blitzø:Well then welcome to the family!

He walked over and Y/n looked at him confused.

Y/n:Wait what?

Blitzø:As long as you love my daughter and don't break her heart then we're all good.

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