Second Girlfriend

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It took a week for Y/n to get the location of the star from Stolas. Through that week Y/n spread his time out with helping in the Hotel, and hanging out with Loona or Octavia. Today was the day he was supposed to leave for that expedition but he wanted to see his closest friends and hang out with him before he left. Now at I.M.P. Loona was sitting on Y/n's lap laying on his chest while on her phone.

Y/n:Hey Loona.

Loona:Yeah babe?

Y/n:I was thinking that maybe we can hang out with another person today.

Loona:Really? Like who?

Y/n:Octavia. Stolas' daughter.

Loona:You sure that's a good idea?

Y/n:Why wouldn't it be?

Loona:Nevermind. What did you want to do with her?

Y/n:I was thinking about going to this concert. You know the one you've been crazy over?

Loona moved up and looked down at himnwith an excited smile.

Loona:You didn't...

Y/n:I did.

She kissed him deeply pushing the chair over and making them fall. That was until Y/n pushed his tail against the floor stopping them. They finally parted with a smirk as Loona smiled down at Y/n with.

Loona:How the hell did you get tickets?!

Y/n:Oh you know me. I'm always doing the unexpected.

Loona:Did you steal them?


Loona:Did you kill anyone?


Loona:You didn't f-

Y/n:Loona! I got them fair and square.

Loona:Huh. Well that's good. I wouldn't want anyone coming after us for them. So I guess I can let your little friend come.

Y/n:Thanks love.

He said kissing her once more. Back in the Goetia palace Octavia was listening to music and drawing constellations. But she was also drawing something on another piece of paper there was a bit of fur on a long part of the tail. It was black and cut off by her other book she was currently preoccupied with. However she stopped when she heard her phone ringing and she looked at it and saw Y/n's smiling face.

She smiled and picked it up with haste and placed it to her ear.

Octavia:Hi Y/n. What are you calling for today?

Y/n:I was wondering if you wanted to come with me to a concert?

Octavia:A concert? Sure who is the-

She stopped and dropped her phone as her face flushed hard. It became clear to her that he had asked her out on a date.

Octavia:Oh...Oh...Oh shit!

She grabbed her phone and listened to Y/n finish off his sentence.

Y/n:So it starts tonight at 10.

Octavia:Sounds good. I'll see you then.

The call ended and Octavia began to tlsearxh for different clothes she had to look nice for Y/n.

Octavia:Okay what do I need. Nice clothes obviously...and a nice perfume.

Back with the two Y/n placed his phone in his pocket and smile at Loona.

Y/n:Alright she's in.

Loona:Really? I was sure that she wouldn't want to come.

Y/n:Why not?

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