Chapter Six: Betrothed and Legitimised

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Led by the Kings Guard Jon and Lyanna made their way to the throne room where King Robert Baratheon and his Queen Cersei they were waiting for them. Though Lyanna never prayed, she prayed in this moment that Jeoffrey would not be there, as if she was under a court trial you would make it far too biased and she would most likely lose her head.

Upon reaching the throne room Jon took hold of her hand and said, "It will be okay he said they won't kill you, it was only an accident you were training, that's all,"

Lyanna was nervous. Her stomach was in knots and she felt like she couldn't speak. She wished that her father would be there to reassure the king that she didn't mean the Prince any harm. However even with her father there, Lyanna knew that prince he would not let her get away with what she'd done.

Lyanna and Jon walked into the throne room, led by the Kings guard. The bastard twins saw the King sat on what was normally their father's chair, his queen sat to his right and the Prince was to his left. We only got a little closer when she but as she got closer, she soon fell to her knees, out of nerves, forgiveness and respect. Lyanna suddenly realised that she wished she had listened to Lady Stark and had stayed away from the Royals.

"Your Grace, my queen, my prince, I'm sorry I did not mean to hurt the prince, we were practising, when I practice with my brothers I'm normally rough and they don't seem to care, I'm sorry, I must've forgotten, I must've forgotten that the Prince is so much more important than me, I must've forgotten that he will one day rule the seven kingdoms well I will probably just end up working in a brothel or a tavern," Lyanna begged, looking into the King's eyes the entire time.

Queen Cersei began to talk, but it was interrupted by a loud bang at the door. Lyanna turned to see her father running over to her and Jon. He moved to stand next to his two bastard children, his hand resting on the on Lyanna's shoulder as she still knelt on the floor.

"What is the meaning of this, your grace?" Lyanna's Lord Father said, his gaze switching from the king, queen and prince.

"Your bastard daughter hurt Jeoffrey in a fight, Lord Stark, she attacked him," Queen Cersei glared at her.

"I do not mean to interrupt, your grace, but Lyanna did not attack Prince Jeoffrey," Jon spoke up, defending his twin sister. "Lyanna was meant to be duelling with Robb, but the Prince was rude to my sister and they decided to settle their quell with a fight but with real steel swords with blunt edges," Jon continued, explaining what had happened.

The King glanced over to Lyanna, looking the girl up and down. "Is this true?" he asked her. Lyanna nodded, feeling tears in her eyes as she stayed on her knees.

"If you do not mind me saying, your grace, what are the prince's injuries?" Jon asked, looking over to Jeoffrey who's only injury seemed to be the small cut on his cheek.

"Jon, enough," Their father warned him.

"He cut her hip, that's all, though it wasn't deep she was still in pain, Jon explained.

"It doesn't matter now, its done, get up Lyanna," The king sighed as Lyanna got up, her father's hand still on her shoulder. "I called you in for another matter," no one said anything, even the Prince and the Queen, who obviously didn't know what he was talking about.

"Lyanna has done nothing else, your grace," Lord Stark said, frowning in confusion.

"Its not what she has done, it's what she will do," King Robert explained. The queen still looked perplexed. "I want her legitimised, Ned,"

Lyanna felt her heart stop in shock. "But- I'm a bastard," Lyanna pointed out.

"Your grace, why do you want Lyanna legitimised? It's not like I have no other children," Their father enquired whilst Jon stayed silent. Jon had always wanted to have the surname Stark instead of Snow but Lyanna didn't. She never really tought it mattered.

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