Chapter Thirty Three: Chances

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"Where are my dragons?"

That cry from Dany made Lyanna's heart surge in fear, causing her to sprint to her room in Xaro's palace.

Lyanna had been unable to get Rey to stay in the room with Winter -who was more than happy to stay and lay out on the veranda in the sun. That meant that the little dragon had to accompany them on their unsuccessful trip to see the spice King for ships. When they got back however, half of Dany's Khalasar had been killed, along with one of her handmaidens, with three empty boxes that the dragons slept in. They had been taken.

The first thought in her mind was that they should have never left something so precious behind in an unknown place. The next was 'what if they came for Rey but took Winter instead?', thus causing her to run in a blind panic.

Sprinting so fast through the palace she almost bumped into several people, a breathless Lyanna found her room ransacked, with not a dire wolf in sight. Shaking her head rapidly, running her hands though her short hair anxiously, Lyanna's breath caught in her throat.

"Winter!" She screamed. "Winter!" No answer. The wolf was gone, alond with Dany's dragons. Anger building up in her, she threw a punch against the stone wall, her knuckles splitting, though she didn't feel the pain, as all of her nerves were overcome by this loss.

"Not Winter too," she whispered, the adrenaline wearing off slightly, the pain of her split knuckles coming through.

Hearing footsteps by her door, she drew her sword from the scabbard at her belt, the noise triggering Rey on her shoulder to screech, only to see Alize stood nervously, Xaro stood behind her. Lyanna offered the two of them a brief smile, before, turning to the wreckage of her room, crouching by the bed, where the clippers still lay from the hours prior where she had clipped Winter's fur.

"Winter wouldn't have let anyone take her, she was fierce," Alize muttered, looking at the room wide-eyed.

"Was? Are you saying whoever did this, whoever tried to take her as well as taking Dany's dragons, killed her instead, because she wouldn't go willingly?" Her words made sense, the night the assassins tried to kill her and Brandon replaying in her mind. "When those men tried to kill Brandon and I, she tore their throats right out. She wouldn't have let someone take her, unless she knew them,"

"My lady, I offer my apologies for your loss here," Xaro said.

"I'm not a lady, and there's no need for apologies. You speak as if I'm just going to let my wolf be taken? Oh no, ser, I will not. I would know if she was dead in my heart, and I can still feel her, I know she's still alive, and I will not rest until I find her,"

"You still have a dragon," he laughed ever so slightly, gesturing to Rey, who flapped her wings, took off from her shoulder and landed on Lyanna's outstretched hand, like she'd been training her to do. "Isn't that enough for you? A dire wolf has no place in the East,"

"That's like saying a Stark has no place here," she shot back, her face falling back into a glare.

"You aren't a Stark, you're a Targaryen," he said, forging confidence.

"My mother was a Targaryen, yes, but I wasn't raised under the words 'Fire and Blood'. I wasn't raised believing in the great dynasty. I was raised in the North, raised to respect honour, and duty, family. Tully words they may be, but they were words I was raised to respect by my father. He also taught me that 'Winter is Coming', and when it comes, the pack survives, whilst the lone wolf dies. Winter is a lone wolf, I am a lone wolf. Together we are a pack. I need her, as much as she needs me,"

"You seem out of your depth here in the East," he noted. Lyanna would have spoke up at his comment, except Alize did for her.

"She has a right to be, she's left everything behind to come here, and she's faced by pricks like you who offer no support in a time of need, except if there's something in it for you. Daenerys has already told us you offered her marriage for ships, so you could have her dragons. Are you going to offer Lyanna a marriage too, or doesn't she have enough dragons for you?"

"That was never my plan-"

"Oh really? Well to be honest, Quarth isn't the greatest city that ever was, High Garden was miles better. And even King's Landing covered in shit is better than here. Now I suggest you leave us, before you change your plan and start craving Lyanna's pets,"

Lyanna had never known Alize swear, but she knew she preferred this fierceness to her than the cowering wreck she was on the ship.  The person who didn't prefer it though was Xaro, who hesitated for a moment, before leaving the room, a glare on his face. 

"Sorry, I don't know what came over me-" Alize began apologising, but stopped when she saw the state of the room. "Gods, if my outburst won't get us thrown out of Quarth, then the state of the room will. We should try and tidy this up a little,"

Lyanna didn't want to tidy up. She didn't want to do anything but find Winter, as right at that point, it felt like she had a gaping hole in her chest. The hole had been created when she left Winterfell and had to give up on her dream, and was widened each time she lost something, especially after Baelor. But now, it was like one final chunk had been cut out of her, a missing  piece being taken out of her. 

"I just want to go home," she muttered quietly. "I just want to see Winterfell. I want to see the snow, and see my brothers and sisters. I just want to be with them again, to train with Robb, laugh with Theon, ride with Jon, teach swordplay to Arya, chase Rickon and read with Sansa,"

"I want home too," Alize sighed, sitting next to her. "My oldest sister Siane wept as my father sent me away, knowing she'd be next to be shipped off, though to somewhere much worse than King's Landing. The twins, Kiraine and Kianna had waved me off grinning, Kianna hoping I would marry a handsome knight, whilst Kiraine had been hoping he could come to King's Landing in a few years to become a knight. Ellye, was my youngest sister, but she still cried, though for the fact that she'd miss me, not because she'd be shipped off to a whorehouse. Albus was only two, he didn't understand any of what was happening, but when he tried tried to get onto the boat with me, my sisters had to hold him back from falling into the water,"

Lyanna wasn't sure why Alize was telling her this, until she realised. Lyanna wasn't the only one who suffered homesickness, and she certainly wasn't the only one who wanted to reunite their family.

Part of Lyanna knew that she had it much better than Alize though. She may have been a bastard originally, but Lyanna's family was highborn. Sansa would be safe as long as she said the right things, Robb was now a king, and her little brothers would have hundreds of men surrounding them to protect them. Lyanna's family was respected in the North, and wouldn't be betrayed easily.

It would be so much easier for the Stark family to be reunited, since they were more well known, but Alize was low born, and no one knew who they were. The possibility of having all the Stark's together was slim, but it was still there, unlike Alize's chance of seeing her family together again.


Word count: 1332


Hey guys! 9K oh my gosh! I'm so happy, thank you so much!

In other news, I occasionally like to focus things on Alize because she's an underappreciated cinnamon roll and I love her. I hope you guys do too.

I hope you liked this chapter, the next one is a biggie that I really enjoyed writing, so stay tuned!


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