Chapter Ten: King's Landing

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They had been on the road for one month exactly when Lyanna's legs began to feel like leather. She ached all over, her legs, her arms, her chest. As they got closer to King's Landing, the weather got hotter, the air was less fresh and became thinner. Lyanna had never experienced going outside without a cloak. For the past week of riding, all Lyanna wore were silk dresses which Sansa had picked out for her. Sansa and Arya had both been miserable and at each others necks for two weeks nearly.

A few weeks before, Lyanna had gone riding with her father and the king whilst the queen made Jeoffrey and Sansa spend the day together in an attempt to get Jeoffrey to realise that Sansa was the much better sibling and should marry her instead. Whilst they were walking, they found Arya play fighting with the butcher's boy Micah with sticks as swords. Jeoffrey picked a fight with the boy and one thing led to another and Nymeria bit Jeoffrey's hand.

Arya and her wolf fled and, when they found Arya, they 'trialled' her and both Joffrey and Sansa lied about what happened, Joffrey to get Arya into more trouble and Sansa to get Joffrey to like her. Because Nymeria caused 'permanent damage' to the prince, or so the Queen said, Cersei wanted the wolf dead. Nymeria was not there, so Cersei decided that Lady and Winter must die for their sister wolf's mistake.

"I was not there, Winter was not there, we didn't even know what had happened!" Lyanna had cried to the queen, who was enjoying upsetting the girl.

"Lady didn't do anything, it's all your fault!" Sansa screamed at Arya. Arya pounced at Sansa and for once, Lyanna didn't care about them fighting. If Sansa had told he truth about what had happened, they would all probably still have their wolves by the end of that night.

"Please, your grace, I wasn't even there!" Lyanna fell onto her knees. She hated this, begging on her knees, but she was desperate. She didn't want to lose Winter. Winter was everything to her, the last piece, except for her family, of the north and Winterfell. Winter was full of memories of her brothers and her family. Lyanna refused to let Winter go.

"If my lady wasn't there, she shouldn't be punished," Joffrey spoke up, much to his mother's protests. It shocked everyone, Lyanna and Cersei especially. When Cersei tried to speak up, Joffrey cut her off, saying "My lady's wolf might be as wild as the others but she wasn't there,"

"Joff, if you leave that beast alive it might try to savage you like the others did," Cersei spat, obviously angry that her son was stopping her from spiting Lyanna.

"But it won't, will it, my lady?" Joffrey shot a glance to his betrothed, who was still on her knees.

"It won't, I swear by the old gods and the new. T-Thank you, Jeoffrey," Lyanna said quietly, ignoring the screams coming from her sisters.

"It's not fair, why does Lyanna have to keep Winter!" Sansa cried. "Lady didn't bite anyone! She's good!" As Sansa cried, Jory grabbed Lyanna's shoulder.

"Come Lya," He said to her gently, pulling her away from her sisters. Lyanna's face was streaked with tears and her heart was beating too fast. 

Jory led her to where Lady and Winter had been tied up and Lyanna immediately knelt next to the wolves and pushed her face into Winter's fur as her wolf pined to be untied. She pulled the rope off from around her neck and called her along as she got up. Lyanna heard Lady pine at her to be untied as well but Lyanna couldn't dare to look back. 

As she was about to walk off, her father came out, a dagger in his hand. It made her sick to think what he'd be doing with it. She saw him kneel down at Lady's side and stroke her on the head gently. Lyanna watched, tears in her eyes. 

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