Chapter Seventy One: Pledges of Allegiance

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As they arrived on Bear Island, Lyanna's thoughts went to Ser Jorah, all the way over in Essos, remembering their first conversation, back when he still hated her. Lyanna had told him that Bear Island was always a place she wanted to visit, and now she was, bot not for the reasons she thought she would have to. This was for war, the fate of their cause resting upon Ser Jorah's cousin, little Lady Lyanna Mormont.

The island was small, the keep even smaller, but as Jon led them all into the hall, Lyanna felt the northern presence within the halls. Lyanna couldn't hel but find herself gazing all around the room in wonder, examining every details of the stone walls and wooden plaques, almost not noticing the young girl sat at the grand table between a master and a commander, though her age didn't make her look out of place. In fact she seemed to fit in perfectly to her surroundings, and Lyanna, despite being at least eight years older, instantly felt intimidated by her stare.

"Welcome to Bear Island," she addressed them, no childish softness about her.

"I remember when you were born, my lady," Sansa began to speak first after the rest of them hesitated. Not even Lyanna knew how to start the conversation of war, so small talk seemed the best route for them. "You were named for my aunt Lyanna, like my sister. They said she was a great beauty, I'm sure you will be too, one day,"

"I doubt it," Lyanna Mormont shot back harshly, and her cutting tone reminded Lyanna somewhat of a younger version of Willas' grandmother, and in parts, mirroring the way Lyanna herself used to be, and a small smile began to creep onto her face. "My mother wasn't a great beauty or any other kind of beauty. She was a great warrior though, she died fighting for your brother, Robb,"

"I respect her for that, not many women in our situation have the courage or chance to pick up a sword, or a bow, or an axe and fight," Lyanna interjected before Jon or Sansa could, knowing that with her own experience, she may be able to help their cause. "Being a great warrior must run in your family because in the East I knew your cousin Jorah, and is was one of the greatest knights I ever had the pleasure of meeting and fighting with,"

"You must not know many knights then, he disgraced our family name," Lyanna Mormont shot back, making Lyanna flush red. She exchanged a small glance with Sansa, both of them realising this was going to be a lot harder than they thought.

"Well, um, I served under your Uncle at Castle Black, I was his steward-" Jon began, and Lyanna shot him almost a glare as he spoke the word 'steward', noting he had left that part out to her when he was telling her all about his time in the Night's Watch.

"I think we've had enough small talk," she spoke up again, rolling her eyes. "Why are you here?"

"Stannis Baratheon once showed my the letter you wrote to him after he'd asked for your support, it said-"

"I know what it said," she snapped again, and although the situation was becoming increasingly more difficult, Lyanna couldn't help but smirk. "'Bear Island knows no King but the King in the North who's name is Stark,'"

"Exactly, my lady, and so I've come here today with my brother and sister to ask for your allegiance against house Bolton," Lyanna Stark decided it was time to speak up again, trying to keep eye contact whilst the little lady stared her down.

There was a pause as Lady Mormont took advice from both of her councillors, the pause setting the three Starks on edge as they watched nervously.

"As far as I know, none of you are the most secure connection to house Stark," she pointed out. "Jon Snow is a bastard, Lady Sansa is a Bolton - or is it Lannister? And I don't know enough about Lyanna Stark to follow you, except for you marrying Joffrey,"

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