Epilogue: All Was Well

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Many years had passed since Lyanna was declared Queen in the North. The Seven Kingdoms had changed drastically in that time, including another great war leading to the usurpation of Cersei Lannister, the coronation of Queen Daenerys I and a great long winter which lasted for five years. The only thing which remained a constant was Lyanna's rule over the north, and the Stark's seat in Winterfell.

Lyanna ruled over Winterfell the way she had seen Lord Stark rule, though with her own influences, Willas ruling at her side as Prince consort of the North. The two revolutionised the way that the North operated as an independent state, even offering legitimate citizenship to Wildlings who came past the wall, offering them a position of status through living and working on the castles at the wall, now no longer maintained by the night's watch but by the Wildlings who had fought at the Battle of the Bastards. Tormund was their lord commander, and he met with Lyanna and Jon regularly to discuss any northern movements.

There was also less stigma surrounding being a bastard. Lyanna made sure that the life options of a bastard was no longer limited as it had been for herself and Jon. She held training exercises for any Northern bastard who wasn't supported by any family, inviting them into Winterfell to train in arms and gain an education. The invitations weren't limited to male bastards either. In fact, most of her household guard was made up of bastards, both male and female.

After the demise of the Boltons, Lyanna moved her Eastern troops to the Dreadfort to make sure no Bolton-sympathisers usurped rule over the holdfast. This was a move Lyanna made in uncertainty of what else to do with it. Willas had suggested bringing the Keep down, but instead the two turned it into a refugee camp for orphans, bastards, Wildlings and anyone else who wanted to seek shelter.

Lyanna ruled as queen with Sansa as her Hand of the Queen. After Bran returned, she extended the title to him, especially because of his third eye, and the title extended further when Arya arrived at Winterfell. However, Arya was also given full control over house Stark's guard, and she was responsible for training Lyanna's children, and after a while, she became one of Lyanna's closest  advisors. Jon Snow remained North too for a long while, until they received word that Daenerys was on Dragonstone and wanted an audience with the Stark's, most likely meaning Lyanna. However, Lyanna had been pregnant at the time, and with Jon deciding that there would be Dragon Glass of the island that they could use against the White Walkers, he took Lyanna's place and somewhere along the way of them travelling North Daenerys and Jon fell in love. After Daenerys was crowned Queen in the South, she proposed to Jon and he moved south. Lyanna visited for the wedding, but the city was shrouded in bad memories. Every night she stayed in the Red Keep she dreamed of Brandon Stark, Eddard Stark, Rickard Stark, even the death of the fake Brandon. Her past was a nightmare and not one she enjoyed revisiting, so she had promised to visit once a year. Jon, however visited Winterfell regularly, to offer council to Lyanna, but also to see his family, especially his nieces and nephews, who adored their uncle Jon.

Whilst he wasn't Lyanna's true brother, she had kept Eryk close too, having him be her personal guard. She also made the decision of housing Alize's siblings within Winterfell as well. Siane remained as a sort of governess for Lyanna's children. Lyanna also had Kianna and Kiraine join the household guard, often stationed within the Royal suite, which benefitted Kianna especially, as she soon fell head over heels in love with Cassius. Cassius, who'd become Lyanna's guard, councillor and closest friend, fell in love with Kianna too, and the pair of them entered into a loving, committed partnership that Lyanna had nothing but approval and admiration for. As for the others, Ellye became Lyanna's most trusted handmaiden the way Alize had been, and, whilst the youngest, Albus shared an education with Lyanna's children with the dream to eventually move on to the Citadel in Old Town to become a Maester.

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