Chapter Thirty Seven: The Next Move

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"There is actually nothing I dislike more than being on a boat," Lyanna muttered, grimacing as she listened to the waves crashing onto the sides of the boat, the wind blowing the sails out, the taste of the salty sea air bitter in her mouth.

"You're holding up better than the Dothraki," Ser Jorah noted with a grimace on his face, gesturing down to Dany's Dothraki. The Dothraki were a race Lyanna read stories about as she was growing up, had nightmares over, and to this day terrified her, but right now, the Dothraki had been reduced to weak, shivering, vomiting messes.

"You didn't see me the first time I was on a boat," Lyanna tried to joke, but it wasn't particularly funny, especially when the last time she was on a boat she ended up burning it down to ashes, killing her horse and all the men.

There was a certain beauty to sailing though. As much as she hated the rocking of the ship, the smell of the sea air, the high current splashing droplets of sea water onto her face, Lyanna did like the views she saw when on board Dany's new ship. Where they were travelling, she didn't know for certain, but for now Lyanna was trying to enjoy the sights, despite constantly comparing this journey to the one she had along the Kingsroad, or the fact whenever she saw a piece of land she thought of home.

Home. Westeros. Winterfell. She wanted home badly, but knew Dany probably felt the same. Dany had never truly been home whilst Lyanna had only really left, which if anything is just as bad. Dany wanted to see Westeros for the first time whilst Lyanna wanted to go back to it like it was an old friend.

They couldn't have home just yet though, old friend and first impressions aside. They couldn't have home until Dany had soldiers, weapons, titles. The more of a name she made for herself in the East the easier it would be to take the west. The best way for Dany to successfully take the throne would be to get stories spreading about her and make the high lords of Westeros fear her.

Not just a name for Dany but a name for Lyanna too. She wanted stories to tell her as a warrior.  A warrior who wanted revenge against those who have wronged her. She wanted this for two reasons; the first was so that Robb, Jon and her other siblings would hear about her and know she was still alive, the second so that Joffrey heard.

As bad as it sounded that she wanted to blow her cover just to spite her ex-husband, Lyanna couldn't help herself. He'd called her weak so many times, a bad fighter, a woman. He'd done so much to hurt her, so she wanted to hurt him with stories of her taking cities and freeing slaves and killing warlocks.

It made her feel powerful, the thought that she could spite Joffrey, almost make him fear her, but be able to do nothing about it. He was in King's Landing and she was across the Narrow Sea, too far away for him to reach her. She'd heard that Tywin Lannister was now the Hand of the King, and although she hated him with a furious passion, Lyanna could not help but respect him. He was a sensible man with good judgement and she knew that as long as she was in office, no attempts against her or Dany's life would be made.

"Lya," Alize called, beckoning her over to the front of the ship. "Come watch the dragons,"

The name made her cringe, but she dare not protest against it. She couldn't bring herself to tell Alize not to call her that because it's what her father and brothers used to call her. Lyanna felt like all she did was tell people what not to call her. Still though, she went to where Alize was beckoning her.

Sure enough, Rey - who had grown to be the size of a small horse - was diving in and out of the water, before flying back out over the ship, opening her mouth, only for about five fish to fall out. Winter, who had been waiting expectantly wagged her tail excitedly, before savaging into the fish.

Eryk, who was sat resting against the side of the boat, burst out laughing, a happy grin crossing her face. He was always smiling now. It was like he was laughing and smiling so much now he was free to make up for all the misery in his life. He'd also cut his hair slightly and started to grow a beard. All the time he'd been spending in the sun had bleached his hair too, so it was much lighter now, like caramel. He was good to have around, especially since Alize had seemed to have forgotten that he tried to kill her, and was surprisingly good in a fight. Lyanna was glad she'd let him live.

Lyanna knelt down, scratching behind Winter's ears as she ate into the pile of fish. Her fingers worked to under Winter's collar, massaging her neck. Lyanna felt awful having to put a collar and a chain on Winter whenever they went out, but she couldn't bare to lose her again. Winter was a loyal wolf, and Lyanna knew if she had to have her off the lead she'd stay close, but for now, the extra precaution made her feel a lot safer.

"Lyanna," Dany said, appearing over her. Eryk jumped to his feet, bowing to the queen as Alize did the same, curtsying. Lyanna got up but did not bow; Dany had told her to stop with formalities. "We're reaching land in an hour,"

"And where will we be?" Lyanna asked. She wasn't entirely sure what was happening, especially since they'd been at sea.

"Hopefully a harbour, and then we ride for Astapor," Dany explained.

"Astapor? The slavers city?" Ser Jorah frowned.

"At least they're honest," Eryk noted. "I mean, Quarth called itself the greatest city, despite it not being, so at least Astapor isn't hiding from the truth of them training armies of slaves to sell off,"

"Well, as Eryk just said, I'm guessing that's what we'll be doing in Astapor; getting an army?" Lyanna guessed.

"An army yes, but we also must liberate the others, those in chains," Dany explained, glaring slightly at the mentioning of slaves.

"It's not the slaves who need liberating, it's the masters who need killing, otherwise the justice you want will never be achieved," Eryk told her, and Lyanna could tell his experience as a slave had swayed his opinion on the system.

"So that's what we do then," Dany agreed. "We destroy the masters,"

Word count: 1135
Hey guys.
Sorry for slow updates, but I've been really busy rehearsing for various shows I'm performing in, including a panto where I'm playing the lead (Aladdin)! I've started trying to write on the bus to school too so hopefully I'll get chapters out quicker.
Eryk is my sweet, smol Angel. I hope you guys like him too. Please tell me what you thought of this chapter and vote. Also, remember to go vote for this story on The Game of Thrones Awards on GOTAWARDS as voting closes in a few weeks!
Thank you for reading!

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