Chapter Thirty Five: Give Me Reality

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Lyanna was tired of the warlock's tricks, and she had only been in one of their rooms. Seeing her mother and father had taken a toll on her, making her too exhausted and drained to continue, but yet the door from the Winterfell room led straight back into another enchantment, one which Lyanna was less glad to see.

The Royal quarters of the Red Keep looked just the same in this bewitchment than the real deal, even the wooden detailing on the bed posts. One difference however was that instead of the Baratheon stag and Lannister lion being engraved on everything, she saw three headed dragons, each with two Stark wolves either side of the Targaryen sidgil. This subtle change made Lyanna see how the warlocks of this house were trying to affect her; they had given her the past which could have been, and now a future which could be.

She didn't even know why she was doing this why these warlocks wanted Winter. Dany's dragons she could understand, but Winter? She was just a dire wolf, rare maybe, but beyond the wall in the coldest areas there were packs of them, so why would they care so much about Winter?

Lyanna's thoughts were interrupted by the heavy door being opened, a tall, dark haired young man walking in. Expecting for this new arrival to notice her, she stiffened slightly, before smiling slightly. However, he didn't notice her, walking right on by to the window, gazing out at the city. It was like she was a ghost, a phantom, just an observer in this world. Knowing she wouldn't be seen or heard, Lyanna followed the man to the window, trying to look at his face.

He was a Stark, she knew immediately. He looked like the man she had just walked away from, her father. There were differences though, as his nose and jaw line were smaller slightly - only slightly - his eyes shining grey, almost silver. He had a mop of wavy dark hair, covering his sizeable ears, though Lyanna could tell that this man was stressed, as he kept running his hands though his hair.

Man. Why she kept referring to him in that way she didn't know, as he only looked about Sansa's age, though he seemed to wear more responsibility in the way he stood, the leather armour he wore, the sword at his belt, the frown on his face. He looked almost to tears, before pulling the sword out of its sheath, looking at the sword with pride. So he should have pride, as the sword he was holding was Ice.

How did this boy have Ice? Who was he? Was this meant to be a son of Robb's maybe, after he defeated Joffrey and took the Iron Throne? Robb didn't want the throne, but maybe he reserved it for one of his children? Even then, why would there be Targaryen sidgils all over the room?

"Are you looking at that sword again?" A voice behind them said. The two of them turned around the see a woman, at maximum in her late twenties, thick silver hair flowing down her back. It was clearly a much older Daenerys.

"I do, every time I miss home," he said, his eyes not leaving the blade. Dany came over and put her hands on his shoulders supportively. "I feel like I shouldn't be here, I'd be bringing back my father's reign. I- I can't do that... I'll turn into him..."

"You never truly knew your father, how could you turn into a man you never knew?" Dany asked gently, guiding his hand to slide the sword back into his belt.

"It's in my blood. Mother has told me all the stories, about the Lannister's and their time here in King's Landing. I know I'll end up like him, and I don't want to be him," the man was almost breaking down at his words, and even a lump was forming in Lyanna's throat.

"You are not Joffrey Baratheon-Lannister. You are far better than him, just by the fact that you don't like him. Your mother is the greatest and strongest woman I know, and she wouldn't ever let you grow up to be like him,"

"He hurt her, I know he did," the man interrupted, just as Lyanna began piecing it all together. Her heart was beating fast. "She never tells me that side, but I've heard the workers around here say stories about what he did to her, what he had done to her, what he was going to have done to me,"

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