Darkness Shall Rise pt 2

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Your POV

You were lying down on the couch, ankles crossed and looking at the ceiling. Yeah, you chose to stay with Lloyd. 

It's been... a couple minutes. 

"Whoa. Ha! Haha. Ugh." Lloyd was making video game noises as he played, and you were comfortably silent.

You were still quite tense about the ninjas' safety. 

Not Skales in the reflection  😭

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Not Skales in the reflection  😭


You sit up at the sudden outburst of Lloyd's voice, surprised out of your peaceful-ish state.

A knock on the window made you pull out your sword.

"Hello, little boy." Skales hissed from outside the window.

"Ignored again." You muttered to yourself, jumping over the couch. 

"HeeeLLP MEeEEEE!" Lloyd ran to the door in a super sonic speed, desperately trying to unlock it.

"I'm right heeerrrree." You shoot Skales an 'I'm-so-done-with-life' look, which he was looking at Lloyd with amusement.

"Y/n!" Lloyd scampered over to you and dragged you to the door. "I forgot you were here."

"Door is locked." the computer system in the security said.

"Ugh, I know! I want it open!" Lloyd tries to open the door. You were about to help, but your attention was turned to Skales. The Hypnobrai cut a perfect circle in the window and tapped it, creating a hole for him to slither in.

"What do you want with us?" You change your Silver Sword into a double-sided spear.

"Lloyd seems to be the only thing his father cares about. But with both of you in my hostage, he'll have no other choice but to let me lead the Ssserpentine!" Skales slithered closer with every second. "Hyah!"

"You can't just... overpower him? You have a whole army." You poke him with the spear to keep the six foot distance.

"He has the Golden Weapons in his possesssssion." Skales peers down at you with narrowed eyes.

"Aah!" Lloyd couldn't help but let out a nervous yelp.

"Let's... train." Skales hissed, getting closer.

What made you flinch was a knock on the door you and Lloyd were pressed against.

"Hello? What's going on in there?" Sensei Wu's voice called.

"Helpppp!" Lloyd panicked.

Ninjas' POV (3rd person)

Zane dodges another venom spit attack from Acidicus , which splattered on the window. He did a run-on-the-wall backflip and punched the green snake in the face, knocking him to the ground.

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