Her first steps

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Adam's: POV


November 10th 2011: New York

I was in my office and looked through some papers. The door opened and dad came in. I knew it was something serious.

(Adam as a young detective)

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(Adam as a young detective)

"We got a report about a girl who's abused by her dad." she said. "Thank you, Fin you're coming with me." I replied. I grapped my gun and left the building. We drove to the house and walked in. A man came out and I directed my gun at him.

"Who the hell are you, get out of my house." he said coldly. I shot him in the arm and leg tackled him onto the floor. I put handcuffs on him. "You're under arrest for abusing your daughter." I said. "She deserved it." replied Jason. I gave him a slap. "I hope you rot in jail." I said coldly. Fin took him out to the police car. I found the girl's room and I found her hiding inside a closet. She looked scared at me.

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you." I said. "Who are you?" she asked. "My name is Adam Jackson, I'm here to help you." I said. "I'm Emma Stewart." she replied. I'll take you to a safe place." I said. "Daddy used to come into my room at night to play games." replied Emma and tears filled her eyes.

"I won't let that monster ever hurt you again. He's going to rot in jail for the rest of his life." I replied. "I'm scared Adam." she said. "Don't be." I replied and she hugged me. "I want home to my foster mom." sobbed Emma. Mom and Amanda took her home to her.


"How did it go?" asked Jack. "This pathetic excuse of a father will spend the rest of his life behind bars." I said. "I feel for the girl." he replied.

"Dad." said Kat. Emily walked into the kitchen. "Her first steps." I replied and tears filled my eyes. "Hey honey." said Jack. I held out my arms and Emily went up to me. I hugged her. "Daddy." she said. "I love you so much." I replied.

" I replied

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-End of the flashback-

Adam saw Emily taking her first steps

I hope you liked the chapter


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