I'm so happy for you

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Tim's: POV

"How was your day yesterday?" asked dad. "Good, we got a new history teacher named Ezra Fitz." I said. "I think I've heard that name before." he replied.

"You're smiling." said Emily. "I do not." I replied. Dad saw my smile too. "I haven't seen that smile in a while, who's the lucky boy?" he asked. "Dad, please." I complained. "I'm just curious." he said. I got another text messages and my smile faded.

I know all your secerts -A

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I know all your secerts -A

"Tim, are you okay?" asked Katherine worried. "Yeah, I'm fine." I said, but my voice shaked a bit. "Tell us what's wrong." replied Adam. "I'm okay, I swear." I said.

"If you say so." he replied. "I've a boyfriend named Jake Wheeler." I lied. "I'm so happy for you." said dad. "Thank you." I replied. But I felt bad that I lied, I've never lied to dad before. I know they'll never accept my love to Ezra. It's best to keep it secret.


Ezra's: POV

I was in a store and looked at clothes. "You'd look hot in that shirt." said someone behind. I turned around and saw Tim. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "Shopping." he said. I looked around to see if someone was watching us. "Go Tim, before someone see us." I replied. "Relax Ezra." he said. I sighed.

"Dad and my sisters are going to the cinema, so we've the whole house to ourselves." said Tim. "How long is the movie?" I asked. "Two hours." he said. "I'll end up in jail if anyone find out about us." I replied. "It won't happen, I promise." said Tim. "I trust you." I replied and he smiled. "See you tonight." he said and walked away.

Tim doesn't want to lie

I hope you liked the chapter


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