We'll be parents

8 3 11

Tim's: POV

I went to the kitchen when I saw a note on the table. I've gone to the library, I had to check a thing. I'll be back before you wake, Ezra. "You're late." I said. I cooked some breakfast to myself, but after the first bite, my stomach turned inside out. I ran to the bathroom and throw up.

"Tim?" asked Ezra worried

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"Tim?" asked Ezra worried. "Hey, don't come in here. You don't need to see this." I said. "Are you okay?" he asked. "I've probably eaten something bad." I replied. I washed my face with cold water and tried to breathe normally.

"You'll be okay." he said. I throw up again. "Ugh, stupid stomach flu." I complained. "I don't think it's a stomach flu." he said. "That's good to hear." I replied annoyed.

Ezra laughed softly and kissed my cheek cheek. "Tim, you'll become dad, you are pregnant." he said with a smile on his face. I hugged him and I had a happy smile on my face. "Am I pregnant?" I asked. "Yes you are." said Ezra. "Omg, we'll be partens." I replied overjoyed.

"I'm so happy for you." he said. "I've a feeling I'll have a girl." I replied and he smiled happily. But my happy smile faded. "What is it?" asked Ezra. "I won't be able to hide it in school." I said and he hugged me.


We told the news for grandma, grandpa and my aunt. They were so kind and supportive. They wanted to help me and I'm always welcome here. I love them so much.

I'm so happy for Tim

I hope you liked the chapter


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